Problems With My Leaves? I need help


Hi guys.

So i came back from work today and noticed that some of my leaves have a few rips or tears in them which i have no idea why. it was like 82 degrees F when i went in there and also i noticed a hole in one of them. anyone got any ideas what might be happening?

Im only using a 200 watt blue spectrum cfl so i dont understand why its getting so hot in there and also i have extract running and a fan on at all times.



the holes could be from little bugs what ive done with my greenhouse is put a bowl of mango juice down they all walk into it and drown havnt had problems ever sinse


Well-Known Member
those holes almost look man-made, not by bugs. has anyuone else been touching your plants?


its not a wardrobe its like a long thin cupboard. built into the house. ive got loads of them yellow sticky things up and no1 has got anything stuck on it. there is only 1 hole the rest look like tears? and no no1 has touched my plants. could it have anything to do with heat? i gave it its first feed of nutes not yesterday the day before using canna terra veg used under half strenth. but i also noticed a tear before i even fed it anything other than water


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately THRIPS leave windows in your leaves when the eggs hatch.

You will need to water your plant to see if you have them.

Pour on some water onto your medium and stare at the same point and wait and look for very very small little white bugs crawling around they also jump. they almost look like small little grains of rice.

If you have them they are swines to get rid of .,

A friend of mine found MONTERAY INSECT GARDEN SPRAY that actually kills these.

He gave me some and i havent been plagued with them since.

Get checking your medium



do i have to water it as i onbly watered it last night with nutes for first time. my moisture meter still says pretty moist


Well-Known Member
You dont need much. Just enough to draw them up to the surface as they maybe attacking your roots.

Just a light spray may do it. BUt you have to keep looking at 1 spot the spot that you water.

You can also gently blow on the medium and wait and watch.



Well-Known Member
this is beginning to look more and more like thrips damage from when the eggs hatch.

If you are in the US look for SPINOSAD.

It is a bacteria that kills almost any insect. You can spray your plants down with it and also spray your medium with a good saturation look to get around 20-30mm of the medium saturated with it.

Keep trying to find things in your medium

another way to check is to dig down about an inch from the top of your medium and blow gently so that your breath is still warm and just wait then blow again then wait then blow again and wait.

do this for around 15mins to double check.



Well-Known Member
sorry just seen that you are in france.
You will have to pay carriage for the spinosad to be shipped internationally



Well-Known Member
still have to pay the international carriage as its only available in the US as it hasnt been approved over here.

another thing if you are going to order spinosad is to get yourself some HOT SHOTS NO PEST STRIPS.

They fucking rock big time bro..

And you only pay one lot of carriage if you order from the same place.



well i had the sticky things. all the smaller leaves inside the plant are all fine just need more light. my plant is proper bushy. its nirvana white widow btw. this is my first ever grow.


Well-Known Member
im only on my 3rd grow.

2nd time from seed.

On my first grow from seed i got infected with thrips from the compost i used (being a noob i didnt realise i needed sterilised) and they were with me all the way through. I bought Hypoaspis Miles to calm the larvae down but it did not eradicate them.

Get yourself some HOT SHOTS i keep finding Dead spiders in my grow room from them getting in there and the HOT SHOTS vapour just kills them within about 10mins. lol



im only on my 3rd grow.

2nd time from seed.

On my first grow from seed i got infected with thrips from the compost i used (being a noob i didnt realise i needed sterilised) and they were with me all the way through. I bought Hypoaspis Miles to calm the larvae down but it did not eradicate them.

Get yourself some HOT SHOTS i keep finding Dead spiders in my grow room from them getting in there and the HOT SHOTS vapour just kills them within about 10mi


Im using a sterilized soil mix from a hyro store so there is no prob with that. also i live on a third floor flat and have no garden or anything near me.