Problems with leafs, purple discoloration. Very nice pics inside. help!


Well-Known Member
I have no idea then man. Like I said...B.B. is just a picky damn plant bro. Can you take some new pics so we can see what they look like now? The weird Moly def/purplish coloring isn't going away huh?

I don't know much about growing in rock-wool, but I would think you would see roots out the bottoms before they were root bound? I mean, cannabis likes to push its roots deep's just f@ckin strange to me.

Have you tried giving them a light foliar feed of the flora? Idk if you are flowering yet (pretty sure you aren't), if not flowering you might wanna try that.

Good luck man, my BB pissed me off..less than a 1/4 dry from one plant?! I got other strains in this same grow that hit an O by themselves... Bitchy damn plant...


Well-Known Member
I mean root bound in the jiffy plugs (like they didn't push hard enough into the rocwool)

Actually all they plants were killed due to other stuff coming up, as I was removing them I inspected them alot more since they were going anways. When I pulled slightly on the stalk it slipped right out the cube, meaning that the roots didnt infact go far into the rocwool and were root bound within the jiffy plugs. Which is weird cause I didnt see that coming but very glad that I now know to not take clones from one medium to another.

When things settle down I smell some ak in the future ;)