problems with attitude shipping to us?


Active Member
Anyone had shipping problems where your package got confiscated from attitude seeds coming into IL OH or IN? read somewhere on this board you get raided and making me paranoid thinking i should toss my stuff if a shipment dosent arrive on time.


Well-Known Member
Im in Wisconsin and never had any problems with getting my orderes from the Tude. I just received an order from Speedy Seeds today and that took over two weeks to get here. I was really starting to worry that they got confiscated but all is well

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
That's bull.

The most you would get would be a letter from customs stating that the contents were illegal contraband and were confiscated.

That's it pal.


Active Member
i heard Indiana was a bad state and that the state police were told of the confiscation and they come to the house anyoone heard of that? and i was wondering about attitude seeds.


Active Member
Seems like they'd have to invest a lot of money, time and man power and paper work for such little gain. I'm not familiar with Indiana state law, but I'm pretty sure they'd also have to have a warrant to actually search your property-- unless you give them consent, but who's going to do that!?!? It's not impossible, but not probable. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
That deal where they went to the house went a little different. The package came open in shipping and the postal carrier saw what was in it which was called a "substantial amount of cannabis seeds" and took the intitiative to get the local police involved. Very rare occasion.
lil czr is correct. all that would happen is you would get a letter from customs saying they are confiscated. i get my seeds from mail from 2 different companies and have gotten is a little as a week and as long as 23 days. Hope that helps