Problems with a little white mold


Im about 20 days into veg with a t5 8bulb and 10 plants. 6 different strains. They are lookin beautiful. and strong. Perfect temp at 78 during day. around 65 at night. with 40-50% humidity. ....the problem is a white mold at the base of the pots and a little on the top of the soil. The white guano pieces in the soil are also turning a little yellow. Is this from the water? im using a brita water filter from tap water and was thinkin of buyin bottled water. I also just started nutrients but only a half tsp/ gallon. Can anyone help me! Peace


New Member
nah its not from the water. remove it with a spoon, bag it, trash it. treat your soil with a fungicide.

the white pieces are not guano they are perlite, and thats ok esp. if they are sitting on the top light + water on the perlite = a little growht (not harmful) get a fungicide though.


Well-Known Member
how moist do you keep the soil? how often and how much do you water?
if your letting the soil dry out between waterings you shouldnt get mold like that especially if your humidity is relatively low.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
how moist do you keep the soil? how often and how much do you water?
if your letting the soil dry out between waterings you shouldnt get mold like that especially if your humidity is relatively low.
He said his humidity was up to 50%. Thats enough to create a mold problem right there. Get a fungicide and treat the plant and soil heavily then spoon off the affected areas and take steps to lower you humidity to 35% or less. The best way to reduce humidity is to increase ventilation.


I started seeing the mold after a friend watered the girls one day (probably watered the little ones too much) . Startin to dry out on the little ones but still seein it on the 2 big ladys. Nothin bad but wanted to get rid of it before a problem starts


should the soil be almost completly dry before waterings? I usually do every other day since the friend watered them and seem to be keepin them happy since. Would it be just as good if not better to use distilled bottled water? some type of spray?