Problems in flowering. Flush? Let it ride? Please help


Active Member
400w HPS
3 Gallon Pot
Prev nuts: Grow Big in VEG and Bud Candy in Flower
Temp. In veg around 90 (lolz) and flowering 81

Ok heres the deal. I am growing one plant right now. Bag seed. It is under a 400w hps light. Bottom fan leaves are turning yellow then dieing. Stems to the leaves even up top are purple. Im thinking nitrogen dif. It is in FFOF soil. All the leaves on the top of the plant are curling down on the ends. The bush middle part curl just a bit. I was feeding about a week ago Bud Candy. Plant is in about its 6-7 week of flowering. I always water with ph between 6.0-6.5. I tried flushing about a week ago with 9 gallons of straight tap water. That didnt do any good. This plant is in a 3 gal pot. How many gallons should i flush with and im guessing even tho its going to be a pain in the ass that I should ph each gallon i use to flush right?
Like i said I thought nitrogen difciency. BUT I tried some blood meal and it didnt seem to help at all. I know that bottom leaves get yellow and fall when flowering but the tips curling and purple stems makes me wonder. Tips have been curling for awhile now. Should i just flush and let it right for a couple more weeks and chop? I have stoped using nuts ever sense i lazy flushed about a week ago.

I will update with pics later, Its in the dark time right now. If anyone can give me some insight i would be very thankful. ALSO i have seen the pics of the plant problems which is why I think it is nitrogen. Thanks for looking. Update tonite with pics


Active Member
Also i might be outgrowing my pot space. I have noticed that the top of the soil is about and good 5 inchs down from the top of the bucket. Its a 3 gallon bucket and the plant is 3 feet tall. Am i root bound? Can that cause yellowing, curled tips and purple stems? Should I transplant or is it to late to do that?


Well-Known Member
There is zero chance that your plant is root bound at 36" tall in a 3 gallon pot, so your fine there. You can grow them to six feet tall and the roots would be plenty fine still.

Click there and you'll eventually figure out that you have a nitrogen deficiency which is why you are getting yellows and purples. You already knew this as you suggested in your post though! I usually suggest fan leaves that are droopy/clawing are from overwatering too, so keep an eye on that too. Good luck


Active Member
na its only the leaves on the top area that are curling. I just flushed. Nothing I can do about the nitrogen diff. I can add blood meal but why? I have tried once already and doesnt seem to be helping. Should i keep with the blood meal to up the nitrogen or just leave it alone?
400w HPS
3 Gallon Pot
Prev nuts: Grow Big in VEG and Bud Candy in Flower
Temp. In veg around 90 (lolz) and flowering 81

Ok heres the deal. I am growing one plant right now. Bag seed. It is under a 400w hps light. Bottom fan leaves are turning yellow then dieing. Stems to the leaves even up top are purple. Im thinking nitrogen dif. It is in FFOF soil. All the leaves on the top of the plant are curling down on the ends. The bush middle part curl just a bit. I was feeding about a week ago Bud Candy. Plant is in about its 6-7 week of flowering. I always water with ph between 6.0-6.5. I tried flushing about a week ago with 9 gallons of straight tap water. That didnt do any good. This plant is in a 3 gal pot. How many gallons should i flush with and im guessing even tho its going to be a pain in the ass that I should ph each gallon i use to flush right?
Like i said I thought nitrogen difciency. BUT I tried some blood meal and it didnt seem to help at all. I know that bottom leaves get yellow and fall when flowering but the tips curling and purple stems makes me wonder. Tips have been curling for awhile now. Should i just flush and let it right for a couple more weeks and chop? I have stoped using nuts ever sense i lazy flushed about a week ago.

I will update with pics later, Its in the dark time right now. If anyone can give me some insight i would be very thankful. ALSO i have seen the pics of the plant problems which is why I think it is nitrogen. Thanks for looking. Update tonite with pics
Hmm, if it were me, i would let it ride for the end. if you start screwing with anything else, you might make the whole plant freak out.

While i get the fear about nutrients, having enough or not having enough, i think sometimes growers are too quick to add more whenever there is a problem. SOmetimes the plant just does something weird and there's nothing you can do about it.

And you're in the home stretch right now, why not just let it go and hope for the best?

From my perspective, it seems like you might have flushed a little early or stopped nutes too early, I can't decide from the description.

Good luck!