Problems from the start

Over the last month I have planted 8 seeds. 5 of them did not sprout after I germinated and planted them. The others have been extremely slow growing and the bottom leaves turn yellow right from the start, starting at the tip and eventually taking over the whole leaf and working it's way up the plant. 2 of them had the seed casing still attached after they sprouted and I had to remove them myself.

I am using a small rubbermaid setup that is lined with mylar tape on the inside. There are 3 26w CFLS and the soil I am using is Ocean Forest. The seeds are Northern Lights from BC Seed King. I don't think it's the seed because 7 seeds from this batch did work in another grow setup that used the same type of soil and was very similar to my setup.

Any idea as to what the problem could be?

And when I am planting the germinated seed into the soil, what is the exact position that I should place the seeds? The sprout on all of them have come out of the tip of the seed and then it would turn back around going the opposite way. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I'm just starting my grow myself but I have gather Ocean Forest may be a little hot for new seeds. Try the Light Warrior and as they mature switch to OF.


Active Member
Mine in a com case setup has been doing the same thing. Puzzling me hardcore O.O Looks exactly like mg def but mg doesnt fix it =/ I cant figure it out haha I just scraped it and moved on.

Proper place is 1/4 inch deep. That first little root that comes out of the seed should be planted facing down (its the plants main root) so the seed part up.
Mine in a com case setup has been doing the same thing. Puzzling me hardcore O.O Looks exactly like mg def but mg doesnt fix it =/ I cant figure it out haha I just scraped it and moved on.

Proper place is 1/4 inch deep. That first little root that comes out of the seed should be planted facing down (its the plants main root) so the seed part up.
Yea this is bugging the shit out of me. Looks like it could be mg deficiency, maybe under watering, or even nitrogen deficiency but I really don't know.

I know some people say Ocean Forest is too hot for planting seeds in but it was used for other seeds that grew fine.

So the end of the sprout that comes out of the seed should be facing down?