Problems - First timer + Pics


Well-Known Member
WOW bro i was gonna say no way they were hairs just new growth but then i saw the picture!! HAHA how much light are they getting? seedlings need to get 18/6 wich is the standard...You might have stressed the crap outta them with the ferts....If i were you i would throw the MG out...That stuff is crap..Yeah people use it and you can but get some Fox Farms nutes...Good shit right there...Also dont use any nutes for the first 3-4 weeks let the plant get some roots to soak up the water first....Good luck on your grow also i hate you...You live in HI?! haha i'll be watching your grow...


WOW bro i was gonna say no way they were hairs just new growth but then i saw the picture!! HAHA how much light are they getting? seedlings need to get 18/6 wich is the standard...You might have stressed the crap outta them with the ferts....If i were you i would throw the MG out...That stuff is crap..Yeah people use it and you can but get some Fox Farms nutes...Good shit right there...Also dont use any nutes for the first 3-4 weeks let the plant get some roots to soak up the water first....Good luck on your grow also i hate you...You live in HI?! haha i'll be watching your grow...
Is it okay that they have hairs growing? Id say they get about 16+ hours of sunlight.. there about 2.5 weeks old.


Since the strain is a ruderalis is it bad that it is already flowering? It is only 3-4 inches tall and 2.5 weeks old.. When can I start to use fert??

Got Alaskan fish fertilizer.


probably will recover man, I made the same mistake hey, Miracle gro will stunt your growth and encourages flower growth at any stage, like the last bloke all you'll need is water and the plant will find nutrients in the soil. save your miracle gro for when she's starts to bud man, then you'll see the effects of it best. lucky bastard, you got some miracle gro. It muight be a small plant though man, and you may want to think about a new one for this one's size may be compromised already. good luck my friend, all the best with it.


probably will recover man, I made the same mistake hey, Miracle gro will stunt your growth and encourages flower growth at any stage, like the last bloke all you'll need is water and the plant will find nutrients in the soil. save your miracle gro for when she's starts to bud man, then you'll see the effects of it best. lucky bastard, you got some miracle gro. It muight be a small plant though man, and you may want to think about a new one for this one's size may be compromised already. good luck my friend, all the best with it.
Its a auto-flowering strain - does that have any effect on it? I am worried it won't grow anymore! in size its only about 4.5 inches tall now!


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will reveg...Just watch it closely and DON'T ADD ANY MORE NUTES!!! Just water and maybe some superthrive if you have it.....Like i said stay away from MG and don't add any nutes for a while....If your not sure when to add nutes post pics like every 3-5days so people can see the progression of your plant/plants....


I'm sure it will reveg...Just watch it closely and DON'T ADD ANY MORE NUTES!!! Just water and maybe some superthrive if you have it.....Like i said stay away from MG and don't add any nutes for a while....If your not sure when to add nutes post pics like every 3-5days so people can see the progression of your plant/plants....

Will do bro!

Its a auto-flower just hoping its not autoflowering so soon! :)