Problems compounded by asking in the wrong places.. Please help.


Active Member
Hey guys.

Guess what?

My plants have a problem.

Big surprise eh?

Hoping someone can help a fella out. :sad:

Have had people tell me manganese deficiency, potassium deficiency and magnesium toxicity so feeling a little confused.

Here's a run down of the situation.
I'm on my fifth grow so de-fo still abit of a noob i'm sorry to say :dunce:
I'm currently growing Two Dina-fem industrial plants (feminized).
Germinated in wet kitchen paper after 24/hr soak.
I then started both seeds off in humidity domes, germinated and sprouted perfectly (bar one plant was growing upside down).
Girls went into bio-degradable pots for two and a half weeks and then put into 12lt. buckets.
I'm growing under a 100watt MH using a 70/30 soil to perlite mix.
plants have received virtually no nutrients up-to this stage except for a very small quantity of bio-bizz root juice. (0.1 0.1 0.1 NPK)

Temps in my enclosure are around 20-22 degrees C.
Humidity is currently unknown, but estimated at 50-65 percent. (waiting for meter to arrive by snail mail).
PH is around 6.8

Symptoms started with off-white spots appearing on first internode leaves of one plant
leaves gradually started to turn yellow and had a papery feel to them and eventually crumbled in my hand and fell from the plant.
the situation is now a-lot worse.
white/brown spots are now appearing on the second set of leaves with dark geeen/ black spots appearing on new growth.
there is also slight leaf curling on the last developed fan leaves.

symptoms have now started on my second plant which is making me lean towards the idea that the soil could be my problem.

when the bio-degradable pots where put into the buckets i will say the plants would have been happy with the new space but i Wouldn't say they were root bound.

Any help would be greatly appreciated people, really hoping this hasn't gotten out of hand.

Heres some pics.
i apoligise in advance for the picture quality, my dslr is currently away from me.

first plant to show symptoms:

Second plant to show symptoms:


I shall do my best to answer any questions anyone has but i'm working today so please forgive me if responses are slow.

PEACE and HAPPY SMOKING! :eyesmoke:


Active Member
They need veg nutes first half str then full.
Ah, i wondered if anyone would say that.
Had a thought that could be the problem but i didn't want to add nutes untill i was sure, I was worrried about making things worse if it turned out to be some form of nute toxicity.
Glad somebody's chimed in.
thanks for the input Buds.

Thanks for the link, this thing was practically my screen-saver when I started my first grow, unfortunately not finding it that usefull this time because the plant seemed to have many of the symptoms on there.

But thanks anyway man, actually just realised its a higher res' copy then the one I have so should defo come in handy.

Cheers guys.

carlo kro

Well-Known Member
I agree with buds get some veg nutes and maybe a wetting agent to mist the leaves with.

Also try lower your ph to 5.8 - 6.2

this will bring ur ladies back on track


Active Member
Hey guys, just thought id pop my head in again to say thanks, two days on and the girls are looking great.

Plant 1
plant 1 post.jpg

Plant 2 (with plant 1 in the background)
plant 2 post.jpg

I agree with buds get some veg nutes and maybe a wetting agent to mist the leaves with.

Also try lower your ph to 5.8 - 6.2

this will bring ur ladies back on track

Heyya Carlo Kro, cheers for the input, girls are looking in great shape after some nutes.
As for the Ph. I have found that industrial plant seems to like the Slightly higher Ph.
At least that's the conclusion iv come too after abit of experimentation with the last few grows.

Cheers again guys,
peace and smoke on! :bigjoint: