

New Member
My plants about one week old. Stems neer soil gets thin. I cover them with additional soil and now both plats leafs start to "look" up... Is that a problem or just my sick panic? Im a first time grower so be nice with comments please ;) and sorry my english is realy bad.


Well-Known Member
put your light closer to the plants. the plants grow extra tall to reach the light . and they will do that . and put a stick next to them for now to hold them up and bury some of the stem if possible .

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
no, there's no problem. when the leaves reach for the light like that, that means they're happy!!! if they wanted more light, they'd stretch...


Well-Known Member
use a fan to get rid of the macaroni stems, and get the lights as close as possible to the top (5 inches minimum). otherwise they looking good bro ...