
Howards Alias

Well-Known Member
Let it grow real leaves first, that's just a seedling. They look fine to me apart from the first is a bit overwatered.


Well-Known Member
Let em grow there not even 2 weeks old im guesing.What kinda set up do you have to do this grow? We all are here to help you,but if you need help and are not getting any pm me ill get you going.i just got my rotation full doing the get a harvest every 2 weeks by ALBFUCT.Heres some plant porn JUICY FRUIT 25 DAYS FLOWERING



Well-Known Member
Like most other life, I'm pretty sure plants don't have human emotions, like sadness.


Well-Known Member
Like most other life, I'm pretty sure plants don't have human emotions, like sadness.

i used to talk to my plants and tell them that one day theyll grow up to be big and strong and live forever...:bigjoint:i lied, they died, but they stayed happy for a time


Well-Known Member
and they do love the bass-y parts in music.
I think plants probably know when you're there, but aren't emotional about it.


Well-Known Member
Plants look a little stretched there, might try to get the light closer. Dirt looks like mud, don't need much water when the first start out, might only need to give em water 1 or 2 times per week to start. The biggest noob mistake it loving your plants too much, do not overwater them, it causes the roots to rot and the plant to die. overwatering also will make the plants droop and wilt, which cause new growers to think it needs even more water and so on it goes until they die.

Looks like your dirt needs some perlite also, pure dirt makes mud which doesn't let enough oxygen in. Perlite can help alot.


Well-Known Member
and they do love the bass-y parts in music.
I think plants probably know when you're there, but aren't emotional about it.

ill agree with that. they defiantely feel our presence and touch.

lesser known fact: Burt Reynolds movies work like fertilizer.