Not sure if you’ve solved your issue yet but thought I’d post my process. I’ve been using coconut oil too. I found I was having issues with potency too UNTIL I added water to the crock pot. Here me out.
I put about 2 inches of water in the crock - butter has some water so maybe the reason it doesn’t need it?? Then add my 2 cups oil and put this on HIGH.
If you’re already adding water then my bad, but I didn’t see it mentioned and for me it unlocked it. All the way.
The water keeps the temp stable at 210F/100C as it simmers right so you don’t even have to worry. Add your stuff, cover it and let it simmer. I use after vape so it’s well decarbed. I’ve decarbed flower for sure if using it. I shoot for 220 for like 45 minutes of using flower but not sure that’s ideal.
My aftervape makes strong oil this way so your flower would be amazing. About a quart jar of aftervape to 2 cups oil makes it strong but not overly. Not sure flower equivalent. Go with your gut because I’m betting this will change everything.
I used to add a couple scoops of soy lecithin but now I don’t even bother.
Now, after as much time as I can give it say 4–8 hours, I let it cool for just a few minutes so I can handle it and pour it all through muslin cloth. I rubber band the cloth over a food grade five gallon and pour. Then squeeze the shit out of the muslin. Thick rubber gloves for the win. There is no way to do this with zero mess.
Pour into a better container for cooling in the fridge.
Oil will solidify and separate. Dump the water that separates for sure. Take the chunk of solid oil and melt it and stir it at like 100F/38C, just enough to melt and stir. This hopefully equalizes the meds a bit so you don’t get strong and weak spots. That is my dumb ass bro science tho (shrug). I’ve had strong spots in oil let me tell ya lmao. This also helps get rid of the last bit of water.
Can cool again and remove last water or just freeze it over night. Freezing seems to help somehow.
Check for any water and get that off of there with paper towel and your good to go. Keep it frozen. It’ll get rancid fast as hell at room temp.
If you freeze it no more than 1/2 inch thick it’s easy to break up frozen for a fast dose. Frozen it’s like taking a pill almost and I find this activates within minutes.
Alright, long post but hope it helps!