Problem with a couple of my leaves


Well-Known Member
So here is one of my babies Plush Berry from TGA, And a couple of my leaves are looking kinda weird..and another female in my tent looks like its kinda showing the same thing as this girl so i dont want it to get using 2 gallon pots with fox farm happy frog as medium. Iv kinda been using tap water and i thought it might be the water cus the ph was kinda high around 7.0-8.0 does it look like a ph defeciancy? orr maybe a cal and mag problem? Can anyone tell me how to correct this? Thanks for any input..

Here's a couple pix of a couple leaves off the same plant..
2012-07-25 12.18.58.jpgplant wrong.jpg


Active Member
u guessed it - check PH... it may be locking out calcium.

get the ph down to 6.0-6.2 and supplement with calmag for 2-3 days


Active Member
I've learned that one of the most important things you can do is get good water and correct lighting.. Go to CVS and get some "just the basics" distilled water.. its a mix of distilled and R/O water. water ur plant and see how she is
if your using happy frog, you shouldnt worry about fert for a while, just water them, reg tap water is fine......once ya see roots spinning on the bottom transplant.....