problem with 3 of my babies.


Well-Known Member

i looked through a few threads and see 3 possibilities for my nute problem. i'm growing matanuska tundra and stonehedge. i had one plant whose leaves look like this in veg and flower (maybe a third of the fan leaves). i'm 4 weeks into flower.


now i noticed another matanuskas leaves are doing the same thing. this one was fine up until a few days ago.

and a couple of the leaves look like this!

phosphorus deficiency? calcium? i'm stumped. help please!!

i also have one plant whose leaves are cupped under and always look a bit droopy. this too has been going on since veg.


here are my matanuska tundra and stonehedge fems. long colas everywhere! :)



I use dutch masters gold according to their feeding chart. i will be starting using AN's big bud next feeding. i'm watering about every 3rd day and feeding them every other watering.

i used to use many additional nutes (i mostly used to use a lot of AN products and botanicare) but i wanted to simplifiy things this time around. apparently it's too simple. time to buy some more molasses!

i'm using fox farms ocean forest and perlight and i used light warrior for seedlings/clones. i repotted about 2 weeks into flower once i found the males. so they got a fresh shot of the nutes in the ocean forest at that time. i went from 1 gallon bags to 3 gall.

i've gone from a 1000 watt (400 watt MH for veg) down to a 600 watt with a 250 watt for veg. they are in a growlab 145 tent. 18 plants, 3 gall growbags. both genetics are from sag. i've grown out the stonehedge before and i love them. they and my super silver haze were my biggest yeilders but the matanuskas are quite a bit bigger than the stonehedges. nice! :)

i remember a thread from few years ago that had around 100 different pics of leaves/plants and the probable problem. i can't find it anymore. must have been from overgrow.

thank you for any help you can offer!



Well-Known Member
The plant with the cupped leaves looks like too much water or too many nutrients. FFOF is packed with nutes and it is easy to over fertilize. When I was using FFOF I liked to mix it 50/50 with either light warrior or happy frog. Really helps loosen up the soil as well. FFOF can get so dense and water logged.


Well-Known Member
howdy wingnut.

thanks for trying but i check PH every time. it's 6.5 to 6.9 when i water.

the cupped leaves plant is just plain odd. it's been like this since veg. i have 18 fems and they all get watered and fed the same. i only used ferts on them the last couple weeks of an 8 week veg period so it's not overferting. they were doing well with just the fox farm soil. i do a 2/3rds fox farm soil to 1/3rd perlight mix. it's annoying when only one plant shows a problem. i'll have to toss out her clones! EFF them if they don't like what i provide! :)


Well-Known Member
i just ordered
Marijuana Garden Saver: Handbook for healthy plants
By J.C. Stitch, Edited by Ed Rosenthal

i'll be prepared next time!
