Problem week 5 flowering All Leaves dead calxy' stopped developing


Active Member
This is my first ever attempt at growing and I have not had many problems so far but ran into something that has me wondering what's up. > Problem is that I am flowering 2 different phenotypes of DQ and one of them has had all it's leaves suddenly die. In addition, I don't see any more calyx development. The back story is that right as week #4 was finishing I burnt the hell out of one of these plants. I don't know if it was the nutes or a combination of that and being too close to the lights but after their last feeding I think the more cindy leaning one started going down hill quick. The tops turned a mustard yellow and really started to dry out. A few days later starting at the top of the plant all it's water and fan leaves crinkled up and died. What I am left with is a wispy mess that smells of hay. I have gotten rid of all the dry leaves that were falling off and trimmed the dead stuff. I plan on letting it continue to see what happens next. I estimate that it has another 2 or 3 weeks to go but not sure if it's worth it.

Strain TGA Dairy Queen
Pheno is leaning toward Cindy 99 (I think?)
Calyx to Leaf Ration is low
Resin Profile is decent to high smells like a fruity kind of Body Odor
52 Days since 12 x 12
-10 to 14 Days for stretch
38 - 42 days flowering 56-60 day strain.

1) PICTURE OF PLANT *** VERY IMPORTANT *** (see below)
2) Growing indoor
3) Watering every 3 or 4 days as needed
4) Growing Medium= Soil amended with some coco fiber (seedling starter mix)
Drainage has been poor compared to other plants started same time with same soil mix in same type of black nursery pot.

This is my first ever attempt at growing and I have not had many problems so far but ran into something that has me wondering what's up. > Problem is that I am flowering 2 different phenotypes of DQ and one of them has had all it's leaves suddenly die. In addition, I don't see any more calyx development. The back story is that right as week #4 was finishing I burnt the hell out of one of these plants. I don't know if it was the nutes or a combination of that and being too close to the lights but after their last feeding I think the more cindy leaning one started going down hill quick. The tops turned a mustard yellow and really started to dry out. A few days later starting at the top of the plant all it's water and fan leaves crinkled up and died. What I am left with is a wispy mess that smells of hay. I have gotten rid of all the dry leaves that were falling off and trimmed the dead stuff. I plan on letting it continue to see what happens next. I estimate that it has another 2 or 3 weeks to go but not sure if it's worth it.

Strain TGA Dairy Queen
Pheno is leaning toward Cindy 99 (I think?)
Calyx to Leaf Ration is low
Resin Profile is decent to high smells like a fruity kind of Body Odor
52 Days since 12 x 12
-10 to 14 Days for stretch
38 - 42 days flowering 56-60 day strain.

1) PICTURE OF PLANT *** VERY IMPORTANT *** (see below)
2) Growing indoor
3) Watering every 3 or 4 days as needed
4) Growing Medium= Soil amended with some coco fiber (seedling starter mix)
Drainage has been poor compared to other plants started same time with same soil mix in same type of black nursery pot.

i am looking foward to hearing an answer here myself cause some of mine is doing similar with the leaves. It has proper nutrients. Proper watering but low bud yeild even on the top bud my plant is no where near this big and its on week 7 of flowering. It got to 37 inches tall in vegi and the first few weeks of flowering and I swear its shrunk. I had a pic saying how tall it was with a tape measure and standing straight up as well and now its measuring only 27 3/4" tall. Any ideas on that one also?


Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the pics but It looks like it may be a fungal infection, AKA Botrytis. There's really not much you can do in this case except harvest as soon as possible before it spreads and discard the dead/dying buds.


Active Member
Yup Def. hope that's not the problem, I won't rule it out but I was thinking it may have something to do with a bloom booster I gave it right before all of this started. The other 2 in the tent are looking AOK so hoping that was the cause and not a nasty mold AKA Botrytis. Yuck >=^P

It's hard to tell from the pics but It looks like it may be a fungal infection, AKA Botrytis. There's really not much you can do in this case except harvest as soon as possible before it spreads and discard the dead/dying buds.


Active Member
its burning up could be
  • Heat Stress

    Look closely, and you'll see the brown leaf edges that are indicative of heat stress. This damage looks alot like nutrient burn, except it occurs only at the tops of the plants closest to the lamps. There's only one cure for this...get the heat away from the plants, either by moving the lamps or moving the plants.​



Well-Known Member
I dont think ts heat stress. Id say some type of disease or somebody poured something foreign into your grow medium. Looks very un-natural


Well-Known Member
It is something weird, is there a chance someone could have poured some roundup in there? Anyone in the house pissed at you for any reason. I am afraid that it is dying for sure.


Active Member
No round up or anyone that would have access to do anything like that. Lol,
It was most likely heat stress like mentioned above.
It's weird that this is the only plant that it happened to though; the other 2 look fine and are not having any problems at all.


Active Member
The only thing that I can remember is that.
I had forgot to leave my exhaust system on and left for the day.

It was still on timer and set to run for 20 minutes every hour but it was so hot and humid that day it couldn't take it and must have said time to wrap it up. Thank You for all replies and assistance I appreciate it. I'm flushing it out this week and will chop, trim and dry ASAP. Oh and yes I have the exhaust running pretty much 24/7 for the rest of the summer.