problem or Not-pic enclosed


Active Member
My buddy's plant's older leaves are yellowing (would prefer this problem to my Hermie problem but sadly not the case). Day 47 of 12/12 day 41 since his flowers first appeared. Hairs mostly white but turning - I Estimated 3 weeks left before chop time (which would be 10 weeks of 12/12 and 9 weeks of flowering). Should this be of concern (too early) that the older larger fan leaves are turning. Anything for him to do here or just wait?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Nope that is gonna happen as in flower you cut back the nitrogen to very little and upped the potassium and phosphorus which helps root growth so thier plants roots grow take in more nutes and water and flower while the lower nitrogen which promotes leaf and stem growth is very low so you will see the olde leaves yellow first.


Active Member
Ok, Thanks - Just gonna tell him wait it out I think - It should have enough to get by. The plan was to do a 10 day res of 1/2 nutes in a few days then begin flush with some sugardaddy and cal mg only for 5 days then just water for the remainder before the great hackdown - Hope he gets that far - I'll let him know. Thanks for the opinions. Meanwhile - wish I had his problem instead of a Hermie! :(