Problem i've never seen before, can't figure it out ( with PICS)


Active Member
Plants started from Babies, up to date they are 7 weeks old. No heavy ferts (400 ppm when the problem started), may be irrelevant. Room is well ventilated (Temp 25C Day / 18C Night) with 2 1000w lights 24" above the plants, Sativa strand. The problem started right around the first fertilizing, the 3 leaves in one of the pics are the daily stages of the problem until they die and fall off. Please if you have seen this before or have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.



Active Member
I too would agree with the mites suggestion. If you had a pick that showed a further stage I might be able to tell you a little more. I have also seen this when the fertilizer is a little to hot.


New Member
picture number 3 almost for sure points to insect damage-those little black spots are insect waste-the dead part of the leaf and patterns is what the damage they have done


New Member
its not nute burn, overwatering, heat issue, or ph. not enough detailed pics to rule out some other deficiency but Id bet money that you have an insect problem-get Azatrol or Bang, ASAP.-Azatrols expensive but its the best defense against spidermites and thrips


Active Member
Due to all your help the problem has been resolved! :) I cant tell you enough how thankful I am, hopefully I can help in return someday.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Due to all your help the problem has been resolved! :) I cant tell you enough how thankful I am, hopefully I can help in return someday.
Did you find pests or not? You must inspect the bottom of the affected leaves with a 5X loupe or magnifying glass. Those leaves look like they have been stressed due to too much salts. The tiny pits could be from sucking insects like aphids or thrips.

The problem started right around the first fertilizing, the 3 leaves in one of the pics are the daily stages of the problem until they die and fall off.
There's your answer. ^

The leaves are responding to too much salts which is pulling water out of the plant, see my sig link regarding Plant Moisture Stress. The dead spots, lesions, are nothing more than a symptom, a progression from a few dead spots to total leaf necrosis, or leaf drop. The spots will grow in number, fill in where healthy tissue used to be and eventually turn a nasty yellow/black color. The plant will eventually drop all unproductive leaves, it's a CO2 flag thingie.



Active Member
Did you find pests or not? You must inspect the bottom of the affected leaves with a 5X loupe or magnifying glass. Those leaves look like they have been stressed due to too much salts. The tiny pits could be from sucking insects like aphids or thrips.

There's your answer. ^

The leaves are responding to too much salts which is pulling water out of the plant, see my sig link regarding Plant Moisture Stress. The dead spots, lesions, are nothing more than a symptom, a progression from a few dead spots to total leaf necrosis, or leaf drop. The spots will grow in number, fill in where healthy tissue used to be and eventually turn a nasty yellow/black color. The plant will eventually drop all unproductive leaves, it's a CO2 flag thingie.


Thanks UB. The PH was completely off due to my PPM/PH Meter's electrode being shotty. Make sure that you clean your electrode with it's special cleaning solution one every 3 weeks (do not reuse cleaner) and to make sure that when you arent using it that the electrode is stored in it's storing solution. Ever since I got a new electrode and have 100% readings, they have done a complete turn around and are Thriving now :) Thanks again for all the help and I hope this info can help others!


Active Member
Well to be honest the first thing I tried was this spray I heard about, so im not ruling out mites could have been Part of the problem. Due to process of elimination, both issues could have been present and i'll never know.
ty for that NL :)