problem help please


Well-Known Member
CIMG0979.jpgCIMG0977.jpgCIMG0975.jpghi all i posted on hear few days ago. jus to see what people think of these at 4 weeks flower. and had a few people say looks like they need more N well i think they do as there getting more yellow but the thing is im at max nutes right now.
nutes are. dutch pro and dutch pro expolode and im going of their chart.
witch say max 300ml of A+B
per 100liters. and explode 150ml per 100liters
but im not sure if i should add a bit more nutes to solve the problem
or will i kill them adding more nutes bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Is it really 35 deg in there? You will have to cool it down below 26. The early yellowing is from having the ph wrong in veg, make sure its correct every feed and watering.


Well-Known Member
ohh no m8 forgot to mension ignore the hygrometer its broke ph has been correct since the beginning i ph the water every feed


Well-Known Member
I seem to never be able to give enough N to my plants either, particularly with Sat doms. I feel a contributory factor to my issue was actually light bleaching, which I try to address as best I can. I also stepped up my pot size from 10 litre to 20 litre as I thought it may have been lack of root space which was leading to under developed root mass and therefore not optimum nutrient uptake. Seemed to work with plants vegged for the same time (4 weeks) - the two hybrid phenos (Sugar Punch) stayed very healthy green throughout, with the Sativa being the only one to show yellowing (but she was an explosive new growth when flipped to flower pheno). I have a chance to offer comparison as I now have some 12/14 week veg plants flowering in the same pots. These longer veg plants are showing varying degrees of yellowing now they're flowering. This leads me to believe the pot size does contribute.

Oh and I also got some 'Bloom Cal/Mag' to use in combination with the Bio Bizz 'Grow' which was my veg nutes. The calcium and magnesium are reported as aiding in the uptake of nutrients by the plant, and it is solubilised with nitrogen which seems to improve the whole processing of the Nitrogen. My plants have certainly improved since I implemented all these changes. (but like I said, the 14 week veg plant is still yellowing, it's an ongoing process)


Well-Known Member
CIMG0986.jpgCIMG0987.jpgi would but they are on max nutes already. and i dont want to kill them so dont know what to do CIMG0988.JPG 4 weeks left for 2 of them and 5/6 weeks for the others one of the pics looks like there all yellow but its just the pic the other pic shows better


Well-Known Member
You can go over the max dose. I had some Super Lemon Haze that were taking double the stated maximum dose of Bio Bizz 'Bloom' and 1.5 times the maximum stated dose of 'Grow' without any negative signs like burning. Any increase should be gradual, this means you can cut back should problems occur without necessarily having to flush.