problem germinating !!! help


Active Member
i`m having problem germinating.
i was doing an experiment with some bag seed. before i go with the good ones. and of 12 seed only 3 sprout. i don't know if the seed were bad or something but i don't want to make the same mistake another time and end up without seeds.

the method i use was the simple one just put them on some jiffy pots and cover them. with water ! hehe

i some one can help me with a better method or thecnic.

how to germinate them.?
how deep they should go on dirt?
in what direction i should put the seed?
what water to use? nuts? temp?

whatever you have would be useful.

thanks in advace.

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
personally, I use jiffy pellets, dome, hygrometer and cable box ..

soak jiffy pellets in ph balanced 6.2 water/seedling start solution. plants seed the diameter of seed under surface (1-2mm), cover over, place in dome. Wrap dome in garbage bag, put on cable box to stay warm. Check hygrometer every day, temp around 80-85, humidity around 90%. If the seeds are good, 100% will germinate using this method. The only beans not to sprout, are bagseed under developed or dried out. Store bought, 100% success for me.


Active Member
I just wrap them up in a couple paper towells then soak it with water then wrap the paper towells in a small washcloth and wet it a lil. Put it in a dark spot and in 2 days most of the seeds will already sprout. Works every time


Active Member
after if germ the seed.

resident kush i don`t undertand the 1-2 mm method planting them
how deep should they go in dirt???