problem!! clones not cloning in diy aerocloner please some explanations


Active Member
ok so i built an aerocloner with a rubbermaid container and ive had my first batch of clones in there for just over 2 weeks and they are barely even rooting. im using clonex in the solution but the bottle is old and stayed outside in a winter so could that be what is causing them not to pop? ive got the pump on for 1 min and off for 5. any suggestions would be extremely helpful.


Well-Known Member
How big are your clones? And what kind of temperatures?

I usually just run plain water but I started putting a little nitrogren solution in the tank to help with the color. I find the bigger the clones though the faster they root. Try to keep the temperature as stable as possible. I run mine outside in the shade.


Well-Known Member
ok so i built an aerocloner with a rubbermaid container and ive had my first batch of clones in there for just over 2 weeks and they are barely even rooting. im using clonex in the solution but the bottle is old and stayed outside in a winter so could that be what is causing them not to pop? ive got the pump on for 1 min and off for 5. any suggestions would be extremely helpful.

leave the pump on constant for one. make sure your temps stay low some times big bumps can heat up your water... other than that faith and patience... you can clone with just straight tap water if needed the clonex is just a bonus in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
like whiteflour, ive also found that bigger clones root faster...and also better imo. i used to use solutions in my cloner too but my cloning time was around 2 weeks so i switched to plain ph'd ro water and now i get roots in 5-10 days and i always have 100% root success. after they root i add some nutes but NO NUTES before roots show. ive also tried a cycle timer on my pump with 1 min on and 4 off like you but i stopped using it cuz it seems to me like leaving the pump on all the time does better. good luck, hope you get it dialed in.


Well-Known Member
Running warmer water temperatures inspire faster rooting but then you are subject to "the funk". I run straight tap water, not PH'd because I am not trying to take food. Actually not PH'd water gives a good chance they will get no food at this does inspire faster rooting as well. But in the end 2 weeks is normal for some strains, sounds like you are batting a thousand right now and 100% success with a two week rooting time is good, don't get confused.


Active Member
ok guys thanks for all the help i think that im just gonna build 2 bubblecloners it will just be all around easier, and if i have 2 goin they will have a month to set root which if done right should be plenty of time.