Probation!!! Maximum 3 years... How does this help??? grrrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
So I was arrested earlier this summer and after going back to court 5 times I finally got sentenced to a maximum of 3 years probation.

I'm not trying to argue my charges or whatever, as much as I'd like too, I already pleaded guilty so it doesn't matter. I was arrested more or less for possession of under an ounce, and driving while under the influence of our fine herb. I learned my lesson and know its stupid to drive high and definitely while your carrying.

I was just wondering if anyone could clue me in on what the probation might entail. I finished a substance abuse class a few months ago, hoping it would help in my sentencing, but have been smoking since I finished. I had to go in for a one on one session for 30 min once a week and a group session for a hour once a week. they probably tested me 6 times in 3 months... Will it be worse than this?

Do you guys think the PO will expect me to be clean because i just finished the substance abuse class a few months ago?

How often do you think they will make me go and meet them and/or drug test me? Take into account I was arrested about 5 or 6 years ago for possesion when I was underage and it was supposed to be wiped clean but they used it against me in court so the PO will probably see it and I probably won't lie anyway.

How do they usually drug test? ( piss in a cup right in the office, send it into a lab on your own, come to your house unexpectedly and make you give a sample)Do you think they will come to my house, unexpectedly at all???

Do you think I can setup some way to move out of state, preferably across the country? Has anyone heard of this being allowed?

If I do everything right and the PO has no problems with me how long do you think they will make me stay in it? 6 months? 1 year? all 3 years?

Im 21 and live with my parents in a small suburb town(no jokes, i'd like to move out but can't right now b/c of this whole situation) 40 min outside a major east coast city, in a state that has decriminalized mj but certaintly not enough.
I can play the "nice young man" innocent kid role pretty well but am not gonna bank on it. Im gonna quit smoking on new years and probably try to push my first meeting back as much as I can without it being obvious, drink water, exercise, buy a detox drink for right before I go.

I know theres a lot of variables that can affect what the probation will be like but if theres anyone that has been or is in a similar situation lets hear your experience.

Thanks everyone -ITB
I know what I would do, but this is just me, I would get on the net and do a job search on big job listing web sites like , ect. and search for different jobs out in California, reason is - Cali is a MMJ state and its the easiest MMJ state to get a recommendation and secondly-jobs are plentiful out there.

I would try to find something out there, some hopeful job prospects maybe even have a job waiting on you out there. I'd then get up as much money as I could get together for gas money ect., then drive out cross country (hopefully your vehicle is in good condition- only way I'd even consider driving east coast to west coast) , then I'd find a job, even if I had to live in a tent for a month or 2 while I saved up the money needed for a place to live.

This sounds easier said than done, I know it wouldn't be easy, but many have done it and its not impossible, it just comes down to how bad you want it.I couldn't stand having to take a piss test for 3 years and the threat of jail time for flunking a test or possibly getting caught with a joint while on probation. I would just pack my shit up and leave, I wouldn't tell a soul. I might would tell my parents on the day I left, or might even mail them a letter when I got to where I was going.

And theres no way California would extradite someone clean across country 3,000 miles back to whatever state you left over you leaving some east coast state without notifying your probation officer, nuh-uh, never would happen.The cost of living is high in California but jobs pay better and jobs are all over the place out there.Then after you settled down , had a job, a place to live- most likely with a trustworthy room mate to split things, then get a MMJ card, so you wouldn't ever have to worry about getting arrested for our special plant.

I'm not saying pack up instantly and hit the road, its something you might want to really think on, like maybe bust ass saving up money for a few months then set out. Getting a Drivers License in Cali wouldn't be that hard as long as your still allowed to drive in your current state.If I were 21 and all this jump thru hoops shit was expected of me by the courts like they are doing to you now, sheee yaht- I'd be gone out of state in a flash, if your a frequent toker like I think you might be, your gonna end up with a dirty drug test, and worst case scenario is getting sent to jail on the spot or prolonged probation.

You've already said you would like to move away, and no, your PO cannot stop you from moving, but he/she will set up your probation to wherever you move too, and just say its a MMJ state you move to, and you get out there and get a MMJ card. Its just going to cause heat between you and your new PO , though in Cali anyone on probation CANNOT be denied the right to use their medicine, I've already looked into this, its this link here>

but I wouldn't even bother with that PO asshole telling him/her , if my drivers license was still good, I would be gone. I just wanted to put my 2 cents worth in.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately they took my license as well, I can get a conditional though...I do want to move out to Cali for many reasons but one definitely being the laws are less strict on mj. I don't really want to be a fugitive though, i would probably do it legit if im able to at all...I think if I were to just move out there i would probably be ok in Cali but i'd have a warrant out for my arrest in NY where my friends and family all live so that wouldnt be too cool.
Idk i wish theres someway I can just get out of it, like you said i hate the fact that they'll throw me in jail if I come up positive. Its insane to think that theres people like me in jail for shit like this.
Yeah, you would have a warrant , but ONLY in your the state that this probation took place at, the justice system is so damn clogged with serious criminals. The drivers license presents the biggest issue, I did not know that your license had been taken, since this is the case, my ass would look into getting them back.

As soon as I could get privileges back and studied up on the issues of driving out of state, I would be gone, certainly they won't hold your full license the whole 3 years? I guess the next best thing is do it by the book, because you'll have to drive to Cali, because you'll need a car/truck to get there and one for work.

Someway, some how, get out of that state, go to a MMJ state, preferably Cali because all you basically need is 200 bucks, and most any doctor will give you your recommendation, and just say you have your probation transferred out to Los Angeles for example then get your MMJ card, your new PO will just have to like it (he/she can't stop you with that card).

Maybe, just maybe , once you get your MMJ card in Cali , that it could possibly nullify your probation , being as your probation was dealing over marijuana, I've read about cases where a person who had probation over a pot possession charge then later getting a MMJ card then having the probation dropped because the charge dealt with the (medicine the MMJ holder was now using), it makes the court look like their punishing you for something that a doctor now says you can do, so they drop it.

But its a slim chance , being as this would be out of state, whatever the case, you can't be denied using marijuana as a MMJ holder. I'd love to be there when you tell your PO that you are moving to Cali, I bet he/she will know exactly why too....hahahah. Remember , you CANNOT be denied the right to move, I don't care what they tell you. Your probation isn't discretionary so Cali has to accept you.


Well-Known Member
Ya im going to wait and meet them, maybe a few weeks later I'll ask about moving. I don't wanna go in and just straight out ask them if I can move. As for the license, I am losing it for 6 months I think, I will have a conditional though. I have to take some dumb ass driving classes also.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
The most destructive word in the English language is "Discretion". Your freedom is up to somebody else's mood, attitude, etc. You'll want to visit Family & Friends without having to sneak in & out. There is only one thing that matters when dealing with ANY Government Official, like PO's. They have your ass in the palm of their hand, and if you do not feed that fucking ego, they WILL do whatever possible to railroad your ass. They are looking for a rebellious attitude. If you walk in with a attitude, you fuck yourself. They cannot hinder your livelihood. If you could get a Employer's invite to Employment out of State, the PO has no authority to turn you down. They don't want you to leave, they want the money or revocation. The question is, What Official is willing to deny you the right to make a living, where you chose. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ya I actually have a family friend in Portland who is a really successful guy, he's owned restuarants, and actually ran a substance abuse clinic for a long time, he has invited me to come there plenty of times and offered me a job. That would be great and I have thought about it even before all this happened, but I would still have to be on probation there right?