Probably been asked 1000 times....


I am sure this has been asked many, many times and I apologize for asking again. BUT....I can't remember shit and I need the answer ASAP. I am all organic. I have 7 beautiful little ladies growing outside. Considering the crazy weather we've had all summer in Tennessee they look alright. They don't have nearly the height they should have had and would have had if only the sun would have co-operated. But alas Mother Nature is her own boss. And now the rain, that's got me worried too but that's not what this post is about. So I am worried about getting some decent size on these buds. They're already on half size plants I don't want half size buds!!! What should I feed them? Thanks.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
My bet is it is already too far along
Any balanced feed should finish but there is no secret big bud magic other than genetics


Well-Known Member
Use a compost tea every two weeks you could top dress too...increase the microbial life

Is this a sativa or indica? That determines how long you have in flower along with genetics and environment...are they in pots...if so what size could have hit a wall and stunted growth slightly

Check your trichs I say they are still clear this early in the game

And like @PadawanWarrior said how long have they been in flower ?