Pro style or ghetto jungle ?!


Active Member
First i would like to give u a bit of info about my "growcloset", its a small room with the meassures 130x80cm which only 80x80 is actual growspace due to a huge mobile AC unit with a large flex pipe that has to run out of the back of it.

Light setup: Sonlight AGRO 600w hps with Sonlight digital ballast and a original wing reflector

Looking something like this:

Which method do you think would give me highest quality and yield per year ?

Option (A):

Build a drip catch table thats about 40cm tall and 75x75cm in other dimension and buy about nine square pots in 22x22cm, 26cm tall filling about 11 litres of soil. Keep every crop for 3 months, 1 month veg and 2 months flowering (from rooted clone to harvest).

The benefits of this from what i've watched in guides etc is that i get more focused light on most of the plant(s) since its quite small. And since i got a fan and a AC unit right next to the plants i can keep the light within 15-30 cm close to the top nugs without having to worry about burns.

Option (B):
Just keep it like it is now, kinda ghettogrow style with everything on the floor in big pots getting huge bushes with 3 months vegg and 2 months flowering, trimming away huge fan leaves to get better lightpenetration

Benefits of this i guess is that i dont need to necesarily need to keep a mother alive and instead buy good feminized seeds from a trusted seedbank, less harvesting, less money on buying soil, perlite and vermaculite but on the expense on some yield compared to Option A.

Please give me some feedback about what u would have done under these conditions =)

Some future factors that will play in is that im going to buy 5 litres each of cellmax organic grow and flowering nutrients + Co2 Tabs for the next crop, just thought it might be need to the ekvation.
Atm im just using some supermarket crap for roses and liquid bat guano for flowering.

[sorry for any errors, both hungover and a bit after-stoned]