Pro Marijauna Candidate for Governor is Wisconsin is Fake

"I don't want to say anything about your Wisconsin voters but, some of them might not be as sharp as a knife."

Truer words were never spoken, and equally applicable to every state's voters.

A prerequisite for eligibility should be a minimum scoring on logic and reasoning tests.

Eligibility on technical referendums should require a minimum demonstration of competence in the associated fields/disciplines, ie, thermal dynamics, chemistry, bio reproduction, economics, etc..

The problem with this country is we allow “stupid” people to have an equal “voice” on subjects and decisions they aren’t qualified to make. It’s one thing for folks to “cut and paste” nonsense they don’t understand on a pot site and quite another to allow them to have input into major societal decisions because their fancy has been tickled by a master “manipulator” who has crossed their path.

Logic??? Okay. How many people alive today consented to the coercive government presently in power in the USA ?


Hang on, the phones ringing, I think it's Lysander Spooner.