Pro Marijauna Candidate for Governor is Wisconsin is Fake

ruderalis is ditch weed.
Not when it's crossed and back crossed with the likes of AK47.

But no, I wouldn't grow it anymore, but in a limited space situation it provides a shitload of medium-medium/high strength dank with excellent smell and taste for limited effort.

Everything has it's place, Buckyboy.

Not when it's crossed and back crossed with the likes of AK47.

But no, I wouldn't grow it anymore, but in a limited space situation it provides a shitload of medium-medium/high strength dank with excellent smell and taste for limited effort.

Everything has it's place, Buckyboy.


ditch weed.
Yep they are passing laws attempting just that as well. All the Republican signs are also on a solid blue background this year as well. The background color Democrats normally use.

So, you are worried that Democratic voters will think Walker is a Democrat and vote for him because of the color of the sign, but you are not worried that Republican voters will mistake Walker for a Democrat and vote for somebody else?

Are Democrats that dumb for you to have such a low opinion of their ability to think?

Who fed you this talking point?
i put food on my table by being a "weed snob". i carefully choose my genetics.

ditch weed is ditch weed. only someone with their training wheels on would waste their time with it.

Why don't you get a real job? I spent years and over 10,000 hours writing, writing and more writing. That profession.isn't going anywhere soon. What happens when no one gives a fuck about your genetics? I can buy a fancy heirloom tomato, but most still buy a hot house or roma.

Your "profession" isn't something to last for decades to come.
So, you are worried that Democratic voters will think Walker is a Democrat and vote for him because of the color of the sign, but you are not worried that Republican voters will mistake Walker for a Democrat and vote for somebody else?

Are Democrats that dumb for you to have such a low opinion of their ability to think?

Who fed you this talking point?
My obeservation. And if you googled it as a talking point you would come up short.
Here is another observation.
All the out of state money gives Walker the advantage of giving away the Yard signs for free. And they are big.
Speaking at a Republican Party field office in Waukesha, the co-chair of the Republican National Committee talked up the closeness of the governor's race and the need to get Walker supporters to the polls.
Sharon Day, the co-chair, told the audience, "It's not going to be an easy election, it's a close election. Like I said, much closer than I can even understand why.
"I don't want to say anything about your Wisconsin voters but, some of them might not be as sharp as a knife."