OK.. Finally I have some time to breath, work, kids, plants, taxes, girlfriend. JESUS give a brotha some space!!
Here are two shots of the room. Left side and right side.

So as it turns out I could only fit 6 hoods in each row, so I will only be running 7200 watts. The scrog screens are off the shelf home depot coated fencing with 2" x 3" holes and metal conduit pipe. THe pipe is sooo much easier to mess with than PVC because its amller, sriffer, and doesn't wobble all around. You just bend the pipe to make the corners. I hung the screens from the ceiling. Easy peasy.
I promised to try and teach some people something so here goes.. This is a relay.

which for whatever reason, can be confusing for some. All it is a switch. it turns power on and off to something. Well why is that different than a timer? Well, its different because it can turn on and off A LOT of amps if needed. In this case, I have about 13 amps of inlet and outlet fans (the big squirrel cage ones). MY CAP controller unit (right hand side of second photo above, can only handle 15 amps of gear and it turns on and off the inline fans with the lights. So, if you look at the photo above.. you can see two sets of wires going to one end of the relay. Those wires are the HOT and NEUTRAL that go to each blower. The other side of the relay... has the power from the panel (and it actually continues on to power an outlet downstream of the relay but whatever) Now, see the black wire coming into the box with no fitting or anything? That is the trigger cord.. its just an old lamp cord that I cut off..well, i cut it off an old lamp. Those wires connect to the middle of the relay and I plug it into the controller. When it gets warm in the room... CLICK... the CAP control sends power to the relay.. the switch closes and juice flows to the blowers.
What else do we have? Ohhh, my ghetto rez. a little over 180 gallons.

plywood, 2 x 4 and a piece of pond liner. Total cost, about $60. Reservoirs are fucking stupid expensive. There is a great solution, those 225 gallon plastic containers with the metal cage in them to transport chemicals.. problem... won't fit through any door in any house that I know about.
You can also see my DIY chiller. dehumidifier coil, the cold one, not the hot one.. obviously get bent down into t he cooler full of water. The dehu is plugged into a temperature controller so that is the rez gets above 64 it turns the dehu on. This makes the water in the cooler COLD, QUICK. That water is always being pumped through a small 3/8" black line that connects to a section of stainless steel wort chiller coil ( NOT copper) and back to the cooler.
I typically have about 70 gallons sitting in the rez at any given time, so it gets down to about 63. The plant buckets get emptied and refilled every three hours so when that water hits the rez its about 68 and when it leaves its about 66 (after mixing with the colder water sitting in the rez).
Anything else? Massive dehu.. this thing is a MONSTER. Much more power hungry than the newer dual XT model but this one cost me $600 used , not $1600.
