Fucking brilliant !! lmfao i'm in tears

damn people are funny on RIU lately
OMFG!!! I know, right?
Is it bad that I wanna "journal" THIS?
(the fact that I am 'attracted' to a thread named PRSDG, should disturb me... tho oddly it does not).
Originally Posted by

How to rape your buddy in prison.
1 Challenge him to some poker
2 wagers are in push ups
3 when he is owing you 2500 pushups
4 demand full payment on the spot
5 when you are sure he is gassed out. RAPE THAT MUTHER FUCKER!
6 Your welcome
FACT* 9 out of the 10 people enjoy group rape.
Method #2
1 Invite the new guy to a pruno party
2 Invite lots of people you would like to get presents from
3 Spike his drink with HARD drugs smuggled in the nurses coochie
4 You will notice he is not functioning
6 Collect your presents.
7 dont worry about disposing of him, Im sure someone will want to take him back to the cell for a snuggle.
More presents.
8 rescue him the next day and Take him under your wing. More presents
Now that the unpleasantness is over with you can take the above lessons to AVOID
being raped. Do not be that MUTHERFUCKER!!
this has been emotionally draining but I did it out of love.
Peace bitches!