"Prince of Pot" Marc Emery gives first Canadian interview since release from US federal prison

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
"Prince of Pot" Marc Emery gives first Canadian interview since release from US federal prison

Friday, August 1, 2014

After spending five years in six different prisons across six different states, Canada's Marc Emery has been scheduled for release and is due back in Canada between August 10th and the 25th.

He recently gave his first interview to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) since earning that release, and if authorities in either country thought he may just silently go about his business after being caged up with thieves and killers for a half a decade, they have sorely underestimated the self-proclaimed "Prince of Pot".

A 2005 investigation performed by both the DEA and Canadian drug enforcement officials led to Emery being sentenced in 2010 for his role in exporting cannabis seeds from Canada to the US. He feels that his own country hung him out to dry by letting the DEA come across the border and take him back to the US with them.

Understandably eager for his own release, and irritated by the continuing delays, Emery is already lashing out at the system that locked him up, saying "I've been DNA tested, and fingerprinted, and chained and shackled every inch of the way throughout the United States prison system. So, the Canadian government knows who I am, they have my passport. So is all this rigmarole necessary to get me back to Canada?"

Emery is certainly excited to see how much progress has been made in the cannabis movement, both in the US and in Canada, since he has been in prison, noting that his hometown of Vancouver has as many as 35 dispensaries in operation today.

He plans to return to the seed business that landed him on a whirlwind tour of foreign prisons for five years, since he knows that the landscape has changed dramatically since he got put away. He is also not too bashful to claim a rightful chunk of credit for the progressive path that pot is currently on. He says he gave away over $5,000,000 in the 10 years of seed selling to instrumentally promote marijuana legalization campaigns across America in the early 2000's.

After what he has been through, Emery has every right to be raging mad at fairweather politicians and government officials like the hypocrite John McKay - the US prosecutor who literally wrote the marijuana legalization law in the state of Washington after doing his best to shame Marc Emery for endorsing such reform not so many years ago.

Instead, Emery takes the high road, telling CBC Radio, "I'm the one that's triumphant. They're the ones that changed the way in their mind to come to where I'm standing, and that's all you want when you're a person like me, that's all that matters."

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, McKay.bongsmilie

Marijuana Activist Marc Emery Should Be Home Soon

August 10, 2014

I recently wrote an article asking why Canadian marijuana activist Marc Emery was still in prison in America. Marc Emery was extradited to the United States in 2010 for selling marijuana seeds via his magazine ‘Cannabis Culture.’ The main reason that he was convicted by the United States in the first place was not because he was selling seeds alone. It was because Marc Emery was selling seeds and using his profits to fund marijuana legalization efforts in the United States and Canada.

The United States government felt that if they could shut down Marc Emery’s efforts, that the legalization movement would be dealt a blow that it wouldn’t recover from. However, that wasn’t the case, as Marc Emery’s efforts helped build momentum that proved impossible to stop, as Washington and Colorado legalized marijuana in 2012, and numerous other reforms have happened across the country too.

Despite it being unfair, Marc Emery turned himself in in 2010, went to the United States, and served an almost five year prison sentence. His prison sentence was up over a month ago, however, Marc Emery still sat in an American jail awaiting his transfer back to Canada. Day after day, week after week, Marc’s wife Jodie was kept in the dark as to when her husband would be coming home. I’m happy to say, it appears that the wait is over. Per Jodie’s tweet below:

When I saw that tweet go out, my heart skipped a beat. I have admired Marc and Jodie Emery for a long time, and I’m ecstatic to know that they will finally be reunited back in Canada soon. I’m very curious to see what Marc does when he is free, how it affects the movement in North America and beyond, and what Marc thinks of the current state of the marijuana movement and industry. A lot has happened since 2010. Congratulations to the Emerys, and I look forward to following their endeavors in the near future!


As Marc Emery returns to Canada, U.S. scientists still face obstacles researching medicinal marijuana

AUG 10, 2014

Jodie and Marc Emery will soon be seen together again in Vancouver.

After serving a five-year prison sentence for selling marijuana seeds to U.S. customers, Vancouver's Marc Emery is expected to cross the border back into Canada on Tuesday (August 12).

His wife Jodie will be flying to Windsor on Monday (August 11) and will be waiting for him on the following day in the plaza outside Windsor City Hall.

"I'm definitely excited, a little stunned almost," Jodie told theGeorgia Straight by phone. "It's kind of surreal."

She and her husband expect that he'll be escorted by U.S. marshals to the border between Detroit and Windsor. This will occur after he's flown, possibly in chains, to the Motor City from Louisiana, where he's still in custody.

Jodie said that she's basing the details of the upcoming release on what a former cellmate of Emery said. He's a Canadian who was held in the U.S. on a drug charge, and he came escorted back in chains before being instructed to walk across the border.

"That's why we picked Windsor City Hall," she said. "It's a half a block away."

She had hoped to bring Marc some clothing to wear before realizing that all of his garments are at least eight or nine years old.

Jodie also mentioned that she had to throw out his sweaters a few months ago because they'd been devoured by moths.

"Everything of his was stained, torn, ripped up, or barely held together before he left because we didn't get him anything new for years before that," she said. "I'm just figuring out what I need to bring for him. He has absolutely nothing."

The Emerys will return to Vancouver, likely around 9:30 or 10 a.m., on Sunday (August 17). From around noon onward that day, there will be a party in Victory Square across the street from the headquarters of their marijuana-related businesses.

"We'll also let Marc speak to the public when he does arrive," Jodie said. "He just wants to meet people all day long. He'll be making himself very available."

One of the first orders of business upon his return will be to see a dentist and a doctor. According to his wife, he suffered a large red bruise on his leg for which there's no explanation. Once he's in Vancouver, the couple plans to head to Granville Island to stock up on healthy fruits and vegetables.

"It's been very expensive keeping him safe and sound with healthy food," Jodie revealed.

In a June phone interview from a Mississippi prison, Emery told the Straight's Travis Lupick that he plans to resume his activism upon his return.

Emery has become a strong supporter of the federal Liberals after Justin Trudeau called for the legalization of marijuana.

"Getting rid of Stephen Harper and making sure Justin Trudeau is elected along with the Liberal party is a pretty major job,” Emery said at the time. "Really, the only job that I’m going to have in the next year.”

Jodie said that she has just received her papers to put her name forward for the Liberal nomination in Vancouver East. The riding has been represented by the NDP's Libby Davies since 1997.

"That's why I need to go to the Vancouver police station today for a criminal-record check," Jodie said. "It's pretty standard for political-office applications."

While Emery was in jail, voters in Colorado and Washington states passed initiatives legalizing possession of marijuana. A similar vote will take place this year in the District of Columbia.

In addition, 23 states and the District of Columbia allow the sale of medicinal marijuana.

Despite these measures, people who research the medicinal use of pot have run into roadblocks in the United States, according to anarticle in today's New York Times.

One academic quoted in the piece, Dr. Sue Sisley, alleges she was fired from the University of Arizona because of "her outspoken support for marijuana research".

She sought funding to examine its effect on war veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder.


that's what bitches do, battle sweater moths!! gotta get that hoe on a leash.

she is stunning by the way, beautiful young lady. And I applaud Emery for all that he's done. I wish I could have an impact on the legalization movement like he has. And It seems like he is going to keep up the fight. I would "join his army" to fight the good fight. We need more people willing to take a stand and also go to jail for the cause.
Good to hear he is finally a free man. I order my first beans from him many many years ago.

On another note. Maybe with all the seed banks and legalizing going on he will learn. When I order a $200 pack of top of the line I did not want him to substitute for 2 generic packs of Willyjack and Mighty Mite. I forgive him though.
I would guess the photo of Mr. Emery earlier in this article will most likely drive some of the folks in the politics section here to commit suicide. You know who you are.

Carry on soldiers !!!!!
honestly abe,(lol) my post(s) were fairly tame. i just put a new filter in, so things are coming out pretty clean. i'm sure the marriage will end within 12 mos. no biggie, he prob. met someone inside....
Good to hear he is finally a free man. I order my first beans from him many many years ago.

On another note. Maybe with all the seed banks and legalizing going on he will learn. When I order a $200 pack of top of the line I did not want him to substitute for 2 generic packs of Willyjack and Mighty Mite. I forgive him though.

Ha! I got that Williyjack too. One of my first seed orders. That was a bunk pack of seeds! Before that I used to drive across the bridge to Windsor and visit a head shop over there that sold seeds. I went back to driving across the bridge after growing out the Willyjack. It shook my confidence in online seed orders for a while. :-)
Mad ups and props to Marc. faced down our bullshit legal system when his country fucked him over. He stayed active, wrote did all he can do and still does even after what his country and ours did to him. That's a real MAN right there. salute you brother. thanks for the post Buck