Prices Rape People, Not People


Active Member
I originally posted this is a journal, and that was dumb because no one could reply. This is a smarter version. I don't know where to put it but the newby forum seems like the safest place. This is where we go when we're lost.


I'm down to scraping resin and a friend asked if I wanted to just buy some to hold me over. I'm not buying anything because $30 of weed would last like one night these days and $30 of seeds would go so much further. Or something I've been wanting, like a bottle of Sweet. Not that I couldn't just get both, but I'm that cheap.

She said she's about to buy a quarter ....... for $75. It's not primo. I'm not sure but I think the word "primo" just means "not mexican schwag". So, it's mexican schwag or some other low grade crap.

I'm not all that old, just in my 30's, and when I bought it starting at age 16, a quarter was $25. A dime was $10. A nickel was $5. Buying a quarter for $75 seems to defy the laws of physics.

I'm not in the buying and selling game so I wondered what other people would say about these prices. Am I that far behind the times? Or was it that I was in Texas and now a couple states north of that? I mean, it's still a plant that can grow anywhere.

OH the best part is when she tried to get me to pay $30 for just under 2 grams last week, she said, "It's not like something that's grown, it's reaaaally good shit." hahahaha ...... it's super weed, it's not even grown. I said, "That's what they all say, every time. 'This stuff is the bomb'."

If I ever buy again, I'm demanding a sample.


Well-Known Member
Normal prices for midgrade or what the kids are calling "that loud", but man. "It's not like something thats grown" ? I almost fell out of my chair. Who IS this person? I hope you dont hold her in high regard, she seems kind of daft. Average prices like 10-20 a gram, depending on quantity and location. Quarters of good weed go from 60-100 depending on where you're at. Schwag, like 25 for a half ounce


Well-Known Member
Really just depends on whether you are in a medical or non-medical state as well how many times you are getting middled between you and the source. I'm sure the girl scraped a little of the cash off the top...for her "troubles"


Well-Known Member
im in bc canada (bc bud :D) and its ten a gram.
80-100 a half o and 180-210 for an oz, depending on what kind of weed it is


Start of a good thread. This is a controversial subject and should be discussed in detail by as wide a range of people as possible.

Black Market prices continue to govern the average transaction based on the following demographics and that will not change even if they legalize it completely.

1. Availability in your area - either close proximity to national boarder or to a state that has marijuana reform laws.
2. Where you are in the distribution chain - how close your transaction is to the source.
3. The price set by the closest compassion center or dispensary in your area.

The fact is that reformed states are pushing the economy for medical weed way up and not down specially in the sates where there is no reform. The good news is that fewer people are losing their hands and heads in Mexico and South America as domestic supply increases and the cartels are losing massive revenue. The effect right now is that schwag is really cheap and hard to find in reformed states because no one wants it. People are still settling for it in non-reformed states and the price is maintaining. The price will go up on schwag as foreign importers find it harder and harder to find a market and this will surely drive the the price of medical up.

It is simple laws of economics... and based on what I've seen and heard from people in reformed states, it's already becoming a reality.


Active Member
Ya, rough gig I know.. I haven't spent a penny for a bag of grass in a few decades. Wait.. there was once, in between harvest. that was the bag that convinced me to never buy again (providing I can help it).

My hobby through the years has been to grow some of the finest strains on the planet, and give it away to my friends and family because I LOVE giving grass away.. it makes people happy and has relatively no/little monetary value unless you are out of the loop.

I get on my little aluminum electric scooter, kick back and and cruise town and hand out joints to the street folks some days when it is sunny.. I used to do it near daily.. '

Neat inexpensive hobby that makes a whole lot of people smile.. I also harvest my own yeast for bread and brew my own sodas and champagnes.. I don't even drink my Champagne/sparkling wines.. I just brew it to give it away to those who do.

So ya, I can very much dig not wanting to spend 30 bucks on some gag me shit that was probably sprayed with pesticides more than once and who knows where the hell it came from.. I am so fucking glad the black market is slowly, but surly coming to an end.. that shit kills people.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
As said depends on location, who you know and where it came from all besides the quality of it. Primo should mean best of the best meaning medical grade buds. brick weed is dirt cheap figure if its from main person if they had it brought up they pay maybe 350-500 an lb which means next guy buys the lb for about 600 to 800 and so forth and the bag sellers usually sell $20-25 quarters but its ass weed at best. Top medical grade near me depending on the strain is in the $250-$450 and oz range. with quaters in the $65 to $120 range. Im not in a medical state or a year round warm state


Well-Known Member
sometimes people try to use different words to mean the same thing too, I had one guy tell me that something or the other was dro (how could he know for sure unless he knew the grower) then say that this next batch was kush (really? from the kushland region?) and bomb, and flame, and "this that shit" are all in use, schwag is one I am unfamiliar with though, I think I must be the only one on this planet that doesn't understand what that means...


Well-Known Member
i can get schwag for 80 an ounce, mid grade for 130 an ounce and high grade for 300 a ounce.

i dont buy the schwag unless im broke and desperate to smoke.. i usually buy "mid"
a qp of mid grade runs me at 450 but i normally dont buy that much. instead i use 450 on grow equipment and grow more then a qp win win for me.
In MN a person such as myself can get Oz for 125-225 depending on how high of quality it is. Depends on who you know though. Just cause it's sold to someone for 125 doesn't mean they won't turn around and sell it for 200.


schwag = average commercial grade weed usually imported from outside the immediate area.

Schwag is measured in my area like this - low end schwag is "dirt weed" ... or the middle quality schwag is "mids" or high-end schwag meaning the best commercial stuff you can get your hands on.

Schwag is typically poorly grown home grown or imported from so far away that it looks it and smells like the shit it was shipped in.


out here in illinois, i can get ounces of regs (seeded mexican shit) for $70. i can get medical grade cannabis from $180-$300 an oz. it all depends. the ounces of regs for $70 is really good for smoking blunts and gets me stoned! its actually good enough to smoke bowls of. nice and bright green, with a nice smell. i stay away from it if its brown and scraggly. also around here mids is considered regular weed. IE schwag/dirt weed. i stay away from the guys who don't know what the fuck they are talking about. you know em, they always say: man i got some kill! i get there sample that shit, and the stuff i pay $70 for is waaaaaay better lol. my guy who gets his weed from michigan always has some good shit. $50 and 1/8th or $80/$90 for a quarter. it depends on how good it is. usually has 5-6 different strains. lol one time i smoked a bowl of some dick's so called "fire" and the bowl lit up like a sparkler! holy fuckin phosphorus batman! my point? buy from some one who has some reputation for a consistent product.


Well-Known Member
so schwag would be what I have been calling regular, or the good reggie? I've never heard of it, but my best friend, before he died called nearly everything he got Schwag, like man I got that schwag so when you get here you will have good smoke. I've never called anything Schwag in my life, sorry if I seem so mind blown about that but I am

Junior 870, I have smoked some mexican shit that was brown that was so much better than green stuff, it got three of us stoned to the point it was 20 minutes before we realized we were sitting in the car with the windows up in someone elses driveway, and then dude said lets smoke another! Also some strains are more brown anyway, I got something called wizard weed that was really good stuff and very crystally. thats why I usually just go to one of my guys and he will give me an eighth or q for some personal, for free (I have rep with dealers) so if you get your rep up with dealers, you will get a deal, I'm not saying go out and give them your hard grown stuff, but sometimes they will hook you up for no reason if you are that good of friends with them


Active Member
I don't smoke much at all, and only buy about once a month, my gal pal that, I middle man buy it for, smokes daily. Between what I smoke and what she smokes and shares with a couple of her friends, we go through about an ounce every 3-4 weeks. What I've been picking up for her lately is running me $100 an oz. It's mid. But what's crazy, everyone else in my area is selling for $100 a 1/4 or more. It's all over the place around here. But, I know I smoked a joint with a chick a couple weeks ago, from some that she gave $140 a quarter for, and the shit I give $100 an oz for is smoother and gets me higher for longer. So, I don't really get it. I'll be glad when I start harvesting and don't have to worry about buying any for a while.


Yeah some peeps around here call it "regs" but it originated as a term used to say "basically the same stuff I had the last time"... ROFL.


I don't smoke much at all, and only buy about once a month, my gal pal that, I middle man buy it for, smokes daily. Between what I smoke and what she smokes and shares with a couple of her friends, we go through about an ounce every 3-4 weeks. What I've been picking up for her lately is running me $100 an oz. It's mid. But what's crazy, everyone else in my area is selling for $100 a 1/4 or more. It's all over the place around here. But, I know I smoked a joint with a chick a couple weeks ago, from some that she gave $140 a quarter for, and the shit I give $100 an oz for is smoother and gets me higher for longer. So, I don't really get it. I'll be glad when I start harvesting and don't have to worry about buying any for a while.
lol if people are poppin off $110 quarters, from $100 oz's, they're selling to teens and people with no concept of quality. A.K.A. suckers! i got such a variety of marijuana in my area its insane. but, i ain't bought none since the 12th of this past august. super silver haze auto's finished curing right around the time i ran out of my street bought weed. delicious jarred goodness! but ya talk about perfect timing. i saved nearly $300 in just a month. crazy


Well-Known Member
The last time I bought questionable herbs was 40$ a half oz and it only had about ten seeds in it. I didn't smoke it though it was bought purely to cook edibles with. I grew out one of those beans and it ended up being white widow no mistake about it. The smell growth pattern everything about the seed made me think it was white widow. Not bad for 40 bucks for half a oz and ten free widow beans.

I remember buying nickels and dimes with my best friend in high school, smoking a few joints playing video games and passing out though. Those were some fun times even though the weed sucked.


Well-Known Member
Back in the late 70's we paid $30 for an overstuffed baggie (oz) of gold or panama red, those days are gone.