Prices per pound?


Active Member
regs- about 500-550 lb

mids/Sess/ preemie bud - 1000 or so a lb

fire/headstash/dank - no more then 3000lb

thats here in Miami and thats not from a grower

when my grower has a crop ready(runs a few dif ones) he lets a lb go for around 1200-1500 off dank(just sucks waiting for it to finish and cure )


Old thread, I know... But I guess we're getting fu^%ed hardcore up here in NY state, 1200 a lb for the dirtiest, brownest Mexican brick you could imagine.


Well-Known Member
old thread ok but just so you can feel our pain in the uk! people are paying crazy prices here i no of many who buy 10oz of top shit i.e tutti,echeese etc at £2000 all day n still want more!


Well-Known Member
Well Danny there actually are places that pay that much because that's what the market calls for I agree it is ridiculous but like I said I can top what ever quality they have for$5000 and provide much much better for$3000 or less
An angry Bot that talks to itself...........interesting?????? Mainliner is that you????? Or is it Ghostdrivel??????


Well-Known Member
I can cut all those prices in half with top shelf quality bud if you would like pics feel free to ask
Cutting your own prices in half? It's crazy NCPlayers GooeyGoofballGanja extravaganza!!!!!!

Why did you spam a 4 year old thread and them start spamming yourself? It will be good to see you banned :fire: