Price variation indoor vs outdoor


New Member
Lets take a strain like sour d for an outdoor guerilla grow... under the best conditions possible for a grow like this could you get a harvest that could pass for mid? Sour D goes for about $250 oz in my area and that's the hydro grown stuff, most mid-grade in the area goes from $100-150 oz.. I'm at least wanting to grow that level of quality 'again' under the most optimal conditions possible for a guerilla operation. Regular sells for about 55-65oz, are growers finding that to be the typical case of quality in these guerilla grows?


Nor-Cal Cuttings

Well-Known Member
Lets take a strain like sour d for an outdoor guerilla grow... under the best conditions possible for a grow like this could you get a harvest that could pass for mid? Sour D goes for about $250 oz in my area and that's the hydro grown stuff, most mid-grade in the area goes from $100-150 oz.. I'm at least wanting to grow that level of quality 'again' under the most optimal conditions possible for a guerilla operation. Regular sells for about 55-65oz, are growers finding that to be the typical case of quality in these guerilla grows?

Possibly depinding on climate


New Member
The climate is gulf coast very hot and humid and it rarely gets below 50 even during the winter... i'll be growing in fox farms soil, the spot i'm looking at has a lot of wild animals that might be the biggest issue, thinking about trying liquid fence and a few other things for that. We got poisonous snakes, skunks, rabid raccoons and coyotoes and i'm planning on carrying things out at night wish me luck.