preventing reveg


Well-Known Member
Hello...anyone who has had any experience in this I would greatly appreciate some problem/question is I always start my plants indoors around the end of feb...but I usually germ them on 24\0 and then stay with that until it's time to place them outside...but this year I'm trying to mimic mother nature to keep them from revegging any at all..any kind of stunting isnt recommended ya know...but I usually can't take them out till mid April where I live ..I looked up what the time sun rises and sets in my area at mid April and I'm just worried the amount of time I have to work with isn't enough ...I would like to if anyone else deals with this and what they do...I have spent a lot of money on seeds and don't wanna ruin them ya know...oh and BTW something else I do ..when it's a nice day I sometimes will take my plants outside to get them use to the sun and give them a lil boost...I have never really had the space to set up a nice lighting system and truthfully just don't wanna spend the money to use them for all together less than a month. ..although I know it would help...Iv been creeping around on this site for awhile and finally decided to join anyone who has any EXPERIENCE with this issue please leave some input...I reposted this under a new name thinking I would get some more responses was originally under trying to mimic mother nature or something....also the amount of light in april I should have is around 13 14 hrs...would this be sufficient to germ and grow until this point...I meen I guess it would since putting them outdoors in april works but iv never tried it with artifical weak lights..


Well-Known Member
So why dont you just get a cheap light off of craigs list to keep them awake for a few hours more a day?


Well-Known Member
I dont want to keep the lights in them any longer than the sun would be on them when they go outside...the lights aren't exactly cheap for one..they work...I need information on the light time..not on how to get lights with all do respect...I would like to have some feedback from someone who starts inside and try to keep the hrs the same as the sun..


Well-Known Member
When you have the lights on longer than the sun will be out when your plants go outside they begin to bud...then they realize the days are getting longer and go back into veg...revegging...which I'm sure you know...this stunts the hell out a your plant...I don't want this of course.....that's the reason I don't want to leave the lights on longer


Well-Known Member
Right..but the thing is I can't really keep them inside that soon as it's warm enough to get them outside I'm gonna have to put them out...I'm hoping that 14 10 will be ok I'm just wondering if anyone had tried this....I like to let them get about three or four nodes high before putting them out...I use to have better conditions and they would already be a foot or a foot and a half before they ever seen the light of day.. I'm just trying to grow some monsters and plants that revegg usually never make monster status imo....mine revegging last year and dew to bad Rain only two survived and I only got about 2.3 lbs ...I can't be havin that lol


Active Member
Hi GoRealUhGro,

Since you do not want to keep lights on them longer indoors, and you are unwilling to get lights on them after the sun goes down to lengthen the day hours the plant receives, your only other option that I can see is choosing a different strain. Now I don't have this "EXPERIENCE" you are looking for because I don't do anything outdoors, but I do know how these plants act. I have played with my lighting schedules and experimented with mimicking mother nature and have noticed that different strains will begin to flower with differing light schedules. I don't have specific strains in mind, but I suggest playing with different strains to see which one works best for your methods. Once you find the right one, get a clone and keep a small mother plant (you can use a cheapo 25 dollar florescent).

Hope this helps



Well-Known Member
I'm running locomotion. .incredible bulk..707 truth band ..bubba's gift..fruit punch and cheesequake.... I know how these plants act too..I'm not really interested in growing them longer than a month or a month and a half indoors. ..I just like getting a good start before I put them in th soil...when you tried to match the outdoor condition did you start them as early as I am speaking about...or at least on something like a 14 10 schedual...I have read in the Web about trying to match the sun and all to prevent revegging. ..but it never really specified what the lowest amount of hrs you can run your lights and everything will be ok...and I put the EXPERIENCE on my post because I have read enough comments on here to realize a lot of people on here have no idea what they are talking about and just throw some words out to feel important I suppose. ..I also know a lot of people are here to help and know what they are talking's pretty easy to decipher the riff raff


Well-Known Member
And those 25 dollar lights you speak of wouldn't be the t5s would they...I have some led.s right now and some bigger CFL 6500k which aren't great I know...but I was thinking of snagging some t5s to try...I can't use and hps or mh because of the space/heat ...I'm remodeling my house aND I'm forced to stay elsewhere I'm gonna start them in here all covert like...honestly iv had pretty decent...not great by any means ...luck with these lights before...not for long term just to get a jump on the weather


Well-Known Member
Hello...anyone who has had any experience in this I would greatly appreciate some problem/question is I always start my plants indoors around the end of feb...but I usually germ them on 24\0 and then stay with that until it's time to place them outside...but this year I'm trying to mimic mother nature to keep them from revegging any at all..any kind of stunting isnt recommended ya know...but I usually can't take them out till mid April where I live ..I looked up what the time sun rises and sets in my area at mid April and I'm just worried the amount of time I have to work with isn't enough ...I would like to if anyone else deals with this and what they do...I have spent a lot of money on seeds and don't wanna ruin them ya know...oh and BTW something else I do ..when it's a nice day I sometimes will take my plants outside to get them use to the sun and give them a lil boost...I have never really had the space to set up a nice lighting system and truthfully just don't wanna spend the money to use them for all together less than a month. ..although I know it would help...Iv been creeping around on this site for awhile and finally decided to join anyone who has any EXPERIENCE with this issue please leave some input...I reposted this under a new name thinking I would get some more responses was originally under trying to mimic mother nature or something....also the amount of light in april I should have is around 13 14 hrs...would this be sufficient to germ and grow until this point...I meen I guess it would since putting them outdoors in april works but iv never tried it with artifical weak lights..
Staying with photos, you need a simple cfl to keep them in veg initially

once the sun times exceed 14 hours(an extra month in ur case) outside they go

but then why not grow auto flowering plants...?


Well-Known Member
Iv never tried them tbh....I love taking care of my plants throughout the season's my hobby. has been for years now...I actually planned on getting some autos but still I like growing monsters....and the biggest plants iv ever grown or seen for that matter have been started in that's the main reason Im not starting off with the autos...but I plan on giving them a try


Well-Known Member
Oh..and honestly I'll check the weather for the day and if it permits I'll leave them out..Maybe not at night because I would be worried if I done that and had to bring them back inside because of the cold it might mess with the schedual if I'm leaving them on the 14 10 schedual


Active Member
I'm running locomotion. .incredible bulk..707 truth band ..bubba's gift..fruit punch and cheesequake.... I know how these plants act too..I'm not really interested in growing them longer than a month or a month and a half indoors. ..I just like getting a good start before I put them in th soil...when you tried to match the outdoor condition did you start them as early as I am speaking about...or at least on something like a 14 10 schedual...I have read in the Web about trying to match the sun and all to prevent revegging. ..but it never really specified what the lowest amount of hrs you can run your lights and everything will be ok...and I put the EXPERIENCE on my post because I have read enough comments on here to realize a lot of people on here have no idea what they are talking about and just throw some words out to feel important I suppose. ..I also know a lot of people are here to help and know what they are talking's pretty easy to decipher the riff raff
I actually had them on 18/6 and gradually dropped the light hours. When I got to 14/10 I noticed some strains began to flower but others required a larger drop to begin flowering. Unfortunately I haven't experimented in the way that would give you more answers (Start from low light hours with gradually increasing light hours) because my objectives in growing are different than yours, but I would be willing to bet that there are some strains that would have a strong veg with 14/10 light (especially if the light hours were increasing).

I hear ya on the misinformation you can find on forums. I tend to just tune them out.



Active Member
And those 25 dollar lights you speak of wouldn't be the t5s would they...I have some led.s right now and some bigger CFL 6500k which aren't great I know...but I was thinking of snagging some t5s to try...I can't use and hps or mh because of the space/heat ...I'm remodeling my house aND I'm forced to stay elsewhere I'm gonna start them in here all covert like...honestly iv had pretty decent...not great by any means ...luck with these lights before...not for long term just to get a jump on the weather
Naw, just some crappy T8 bulbs in the cheapest Home Depot light fixture you can find. It wont keep a remarkable mother plant or anything, but if you trim correctly you could easily keep it going for clone purposes only with that minimal lighting. The LEDs you speak about could be awesome or horrendous depending on the specs.



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure of the's made for growing lol that's about all I can tell wouldn't know have any info on the strains I have listed would ya...I'm looking up some info on here as we talk...I have already written down some info on some of the strains....the main ones I really want to know about are Dr k Incredible bulk and bubba's gift


Well-Known Member
I usually germ them on 24\0
Look into Gas Lantern Routine. There's numerous threads on it here. Also if you CAN put your plants outside in the yard and set up a timer and light outside to break up their dark cycle it works perfectly fine like that as well.
can't take them out till mid April where I live
April 20th here in the Southeast US. Although I've had prevegged very heavy sativa dominants start stretching and toss a few pistils.
But anything before that and they get fucky 100% of the time. It's a pain in the ass but gotta deal with it. Hell I just start germing now on 4/16 so they're cracking the soil by 4/20 most of the time. No hiccups at all that way ever. By the time they're mature enough to flower the days are way too long and climbing in hours.
when it's a nice day I sometimes will take my plants outside to get them use to the sun and give them a lil boost
This is a good thing. It'll toughen em up nicely. Let em get beat up by the wind and rain as well so those stems will thicken.
I have never really had the space to set up a nice lighting system
You can fit a 2x2 T5 in a broom closet.
don't wanna spend the money to use them for all together less than a month.
An added 2-3 weeks veg before a long summer veg would add so much weight to your final harvest (assuming all goes as planned and no plant deaths etc) That hell even 1 single plant prevegged under there would pay off the costs of the fixture 10fold and then some. You're thinking short term here not long term. Thinking small when what you're WANTING is big. You gotta spend money to make money Ricky. Hell you can pick up brand new big T5 rigs for the price of a quarter ounce of bud. And that's new.
The difference would be tremendous with multiple plants. You know since you spent a lot of money on seeds.
Trust me here. If you invest in one you'll be kicking yourself in the ass come harvest time because you DIDN'T invest in some good lighting previously.
It's not like you're going to have to throw the damn thing away after you use it either. Just stick it back in the box and slide it into the closet when you're done with it until next year. Then next year give them a good month to 6 weeks start for some real monsters.
Or if you really wanna be a dick about things just return it and get your money back Kyle.


Well-Known Member
Hello...anyone who has had any experience in this I would greatly appreciate some problem/question is I always start my plants indoors around the end of feb...but I usually germ them on 24\0 and then stay with that until it's time to place them outside...but this year I'm trying to mimic mother nature to keep them from revegging any at all..any kind of stunting isnt recommended ya know...but I usually can't take them out till mid April where I live ..I looked up what the time sun rises and sets in my area at mid April and I'm just worried the amount of time I have to work with isn't enough ...I would like to if anyone else deals with this and what they do...I have spent a lot of money on seeds and don't wanna ruin them ya know...oh and BTW something else I do ..when it's a nice day I sometimes will take my plants outside to get them use to the sun and give them a lil boost...I have never really had the space to set up a nice lighting system and truthfully just don't wanna spend the money to use them for all together less than a month. ..although I know it would help...Iv been creeping around on this site for awhile and finally decided to join anyone who has any EXPERIENCE with this issue please leave some input...I reposted this under a new name thinking I would get some more responses was originally under trying to mimic mother nature or something....also the amount of light in april I should have is around 13 14 hrs...would this be sufficient to germ and grow until this point...I meen I guess it would since putting them outdoors in april works but iv never tried it with artifical weak lights..
Don't be a dick by making multiple threads under different names your not entitled to more attention than anyone else. May is about the earliest you can put them out in the northern hemisphere without them revegging. where I live early mid may is about 14:30 hrs of sunlight. Even on the same date hrs of sunlight will be different depending on latitude. I've never pushed the limits of trying to use the least amount of light without revegging but I wouldn't try less than 14:30 a couple week of veg outdoors isn't gonna make a huge difference in yield,Relative day lengths - National Gardening Association


Well-Known Member
First of all I figured I would get more of a response by listING it under a different name pertaining to what I wanted to chill out with the names.i just started on this shit...if I Knew how to delete the other one I would..and where I live April works fine..and monkey grinder I kind thought about the t5s..the guys at worms way brought them up to me in the past and I just never knew how much better they would be than what in working with....I'll be starting 9 plants in about a 2ft by 2 ft many t5s would I need to veg these..btw I will be starting like 45 plants I just have them Stacked above one another..I can only fit nine 1 gal pots in the space