Preventing Flowering


Active Member
Sounds crazy I know....

Basicly I am stuck to growing to very confined areas. I seem to have better success cloning\starting outdoors rather than these unideal growing conditions (although mature plants do fine). The problem is that spring is coming and we are approaching 12\12. My large male which was an outdoor mother finally showed its sex naturally, so him and his clones were terminated. I have a possible female inside, but would rather move outside. Since we are approaching 12\12 I fear this immature female will flower rahter than serve its purpose as a mother. Also I dont want to flower my seedlings\clonelings. Is there a way to prevent this? Can something as small as an LED solar light prevent flowering, because I was reading that light during 12\12 should be "No brighter than a full moon", and this is obviously enough light to clearly see things.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he's elsewhere on Terra Firma. But yeah. US is about to get going again.......starting...not flowering.


Active Member
My male sure as hell flowered out back.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but dosent the vernal equinox occur in March? The equinox is when the days are 12\12 naturally. Once March is over, we will go away from 12\12, but haven't we naturally been approaching it since Feb? The same will occur ending summer and begining the fall equinox.