Pretty much sums up the education system.

Seems like he's spreading a bad message...saying dont go to school is like saying dont go to work .This hynas just a smart finshaggy imo..

I don't the think his message "Don't stay in school" is supposed to be taken literal. More along the lines of "what's the point if they won't teach us anything that we can actually use?"

I agree with him on everything though.

After 12 years of school the only parts I remember are Reading, Writing, and Basic Math, with little sprinkles of science and history. I was a straight A student all through out, but the sad truth is that I've forgotten about 90% of my "education" simply due to lack of use. The stuff that I really needed to know I was never taught.

I could have dropped out in 6th grade, started working, and I would have been better off for it.
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I dropped outa highschool....I wish atleast had that a ged or sumthing but fck college all I'd do would be party so I guess its saving money n debt
All I know is somebody owes me 3 minutes and 17 seconds for watching that shit.

I only watched it until he opened his mouth. I could spare a minute for ya.

I saw enough to know that I was going to disagree. WTF? School is supposed to educate and train your brain, not be a vocational skill training center.

I don't give a shit if you go to school or not - but educate your head. We are standing on the shoulders of Giants - don't be a dumbass.
I don't the think his message "Don't stay in school" is supposed to be taken literal. More along the lines of "what's the point if they won't teach us anything that we can actually use?"

I agree with him on everything though.

After 12 years of school the only parts I remember are Reading, Writing, and Basic Math, with little sprinkles of science and history. I was a straight A student all through out, but the sad truth is that I've forgotten about 90% of my "education" simply due to lack of use. The stuff that I really needed to know I was never taught.

I could have dropped out in 6th grade, started working, and I would have been better off for it.

Ditto. I actually moved when I was 14, went from the best public school system in the state to a mediocre one. I was 3 years ahead of everyone else, by sophomore year i was in all advanced/college level classes. I already had a scholarship lined up, I talked to the counselors/principal about going for my GED/finals early so I could start college early but they wouldn't allow it, now I know it's possible, but they weren't willing to work with/for me. I got bored with school and started partying and it kinda went downhill from there until i got into my mid 20's.
Along with the basics (reading,writing,math), we need a more comprehensive history program, multiple language course and "life" courses such as teaching about personal finance ( setting a budget, reading credit card/loan app fine print, knowing about interest and how it works and can work for/against you, etc) , and i believe some courses on law. But more than anything we need critical thinking exercises rather than teaching to a test standard.
you're a total fk head if you don't finish highschool.

For most people..look at my previous post..being stuck in high school where i was getting no advancement of my education backfired for me, even though i tried to do the right thing. If i got out after sophomore year and went to college like i wanted I'd probably have a mech. engineer job right now. I no longer have the want or drive to go for it...
I only watched it until he opened his mouth. I could spare a minute for ya.

I saw enough to know that I was going to disagree. WTF? School is supposed to educate and train your brain, not be a vocational skill training center.

I don't give a shit if you go to school or not - but educate your head. We are standing on the shoulders of Giants - don't be a dumbass.

I think we are on the way to curated species. The computers will keep us.
I only watched it until he opened his mouth. I could spare a minute for ya.

I saw enough to know that I was going to disagree. WTF? School is supposed to educate and train your brain, not be a vocational skill training center.

I don't give a shit if you go to school or not - but educate your head. We are standing on the shoulders of Giants - don't be a dumbass.

Then go back and watch the video and educate yourself.

First line few lines "I wasn't taught how to get a job, but I can remember dissecting a frog. I don't wasn't taught how to pay tax, but I know loads about shakespeare's classics" - tell me out of those 4 which 2 would be useful information to know.

Literally everything after middle school education has been absolutely fucking useless to me. Only in my short time in college (which my prior-education did not even begin to prepare me for) have I had to use any of my education after 6th grade, and even then it was a fraction of what they taught me. I remember the lessons that we covered - algebra, science, chemistry, Texas history, World History, American History, more Algebra, reading/writing, chemistry, geology, we did a half semester on fucking line dancing for christ sake, but if I had to go back a take a quiz on any of them I'd fail because I've forgotten it all due to lack of use.

Yet I was 26 when I got my driver's license. If someone were to stop breathing and fall over I wouldn't be able to do shit for them. I have no idea how to file taxes (my wife has to do that for me). I have a vague idea on how to build a resume' because of youtube/google. I have no idea how to select a college (which would have been nice to know 6yrs ago before I realized the one I went to was a scam and ended up drowning in student loans). I have no idea how process a mortgage. You know all the stuff needed to know to survive in life.

Can we really consider it education if none of what we're taught has any practical use?
I only watched it until he opened his mouth. I could spare a minute for ya.

I saw enough to know that I was going to disagree. WTF? School is supposed to educate and train your brain, not be a vocational skill training center.

I don't give a shit if you go to school or not - but educate your head. We are standing on the shoulders of Giants - don't be a dumbass.
How the fuck do you "Like" stuff on here any more??
Can we really consider it education if none of what we're taught has any practical use?

That's why I support home schooling, as it allows for catering to individual student needs and skills.

The current public education system is more concerned about maintaining the status quo of the current public education system than it is actually providing a practical "education". In essence, it has become little more than a faculty jobs program for liberal arts majors, indoctrination program of liberal idiocy and political correctness, and a public daycare program.

What's sad is that the "higher" education system is even worse.

The ability to access information and communicate around the world via "innernetz" has largely made the brick and mortar "school" obsolete for a variety of subjects, if not all. We'll keep taxing the fuck out of citizens to support the public school system though!
Then go back and watch the video and educate yourself.

First line few lines "I wasn't taught how to get a job, but I can remember dissecting a frog. I don't wasn't taught how to pay tax, but I know loads about shakespeare's classics" - tell me out of those 4 which 2 would be useful information to know.

Literally everything after middle school education has been absolutely fucking useless to me. Only in my short time in college (which my prior-education did not even begin to prepare me for) have I had to use any of my education after 6th grade, and even then it was a fraction of what they taught me. I remember the lessons that we covered - algebra, science, chemistry, Texas history, World History, American History, more Algebra, reading/writing, chemistry, geology, we did a half semester on fucking line dancing for christ sake, but if I had to go back a take a quiz on any of them I'd fail because I've forgotten it all due to lack of use.

Yet I was 26 when I got my driver's license. If someone were to stop breathing and fall over I wouldn't be able to do shit for them. I have no idea how to file taxes (my wife has to do that for me). I have a vague idea on how to build a resume' because of youtube/google. I have no idea how to select a college (which would have been nice to know 6yrs ago before I realized the one I went to was a scam and ended up drowning in student loans). I have no idea how process a mortgage. You know all the stuff needed to know to survive in life.

Can we really consider it education if none of what we're taught has any practical use?

Sorry, not picking a fight but you and I have a fundamentally different view. I would pick Shakespeare as one thousand times more important to my brain than anything I ever learned in shop. The frog would be high up there too.

To skip over Shakespeare to work on job interview skills goes against the grain of our educational strategy and tradition. The german schools test the living shit out of you early and decide which kids are too dumb for Shakespeare. They give them a wrench instead. But maybe in a few years they will show them "Romeo and Juliet"

But we don't do that here... Or didn't used too. Our view is that even those of us with limited capabilities have a right to a liberal arts education so they might aspire to higher thought (like Forrest Gump). It is a tough call to make as far as policy goes.

But you are missing my point about this as is the vampire in the video. Perhaps a bit of Shakespeare got through to him. He does seem to have accomplished making a song and a video.

I mentioned that we stand on the shoulders of Giants. William Shakepeare was among the greatest of those Giants. Do yourself a favor and read "Brave New World" (which is not Shakespeare but deals with the topic at hand). I'll send you a copy. A society cannot ignore these accomplishments and achieve anything worthwhile in the future. Maybe your average truck driver doesn't give a fuck about Shakespeare, but I will bet a whole lot do - even if only filtered through Loonie Tune memories or country and western music. I would rather smoke a bowl with one that did. Rather live next to one that did. Rather marry his daughter, etc.

Lest you think I skipped the part about the practical uses... Inspiration is very practical. Also irreplaceable. Shakespeare has inspired more great thought and accomplishment than any single person in Western History. Shakespeare feeds the heart and soul - without it the world would be a gray factory day - all day - every day.

I wish you could see what your life would be like without Shakespeare.
I wish you could see what your life would be like without Shakespeare

I wish you could see what your life would be like without Shakespeare
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