Prescription Death


Active Member
Soo it just blows my mind that prescription pills do soo much damage yet weed is illegal....was just thinking about all the awesome people we lost to pills like heath ledger can anyone provide some stats on prescription pill deaths and come up with a list of everyone we know that has been affected negatively from prescription pills?


Well-Known Member
i dont have any stats. but i was negatively affected by them. i was sent to rehab and tore my family aprt for a couple years because of them. dangerous stuff. i still do them but not like i used to. i dont get pulled into the rabbit hole anymore. i can now recognize the signs before i fall into a bad drug binge and stop myself before that happens.

i also tore my relationship up with my gf because of them. still picking up the pieces from that. but just thinking about all the tears i made her cry because of my habbits tears me apart inside.


Active Member
They prescribed me adderall when I was 18 because of ADHD, I stopped taking it a year later when I found out it was a step below meth. I know a lot of people that fucked up their life because of xanax, but that was their choice a team of doctors didn't say they should take xanax.


Well-Known Member
i still cant believe the goverment favors prescription pills over pot...i always talk about this...out here where im at now i hear of so many people dying of that shit....well hopefully one day they finally realize pot is basically the tree of life...its been here for thousands of years and it aint going nowhere.....


Well-Known Member
i still cant believe the goverment favors prescription pills over pot...i always talk about this...out here where im at now i hear of so many people dying of that shit....well hopefully one day they finally realize pot is basically the tree of life...its been here for thousands of years and it aint going nowhere.....
If by 'they' you mean the government, then don't get your hopes up. I agree with you 100%, but I have NO faith in the government to make decisions based upon common sense. Greed is their only mistress.