Prescription Caugh syrup + ATF review

Okay so last weekend I went back home(left college) because I wasn't feeling that well. I get home and I'm looking in the cabinet looking for medicine and I come across my dads bottle of cherratusyin cough syrup without taking to much out I put about 7-8 teaspoons(guess) in a Gatorade bottle l. It says not to consum more than 2 teaspoons every 6hrs. So as i drank the cough syrup i was taking bong rips of alaskin thunder fux, It was probably my favorite combination of light drugs. Also when you sleep on it you can feel slight pains in different places on your body making you feel like your twitching but your not I believe this is due to the codine that is in the syrup. What are your favorite drugs to mix and match?


Well-Known Member
My favorite drugs to mix are cannabis and cannabis :D

I've done many drugs and when I say many I mean every thing you could think of, been in rehab 6 times and OD many times so it's just not worth it anymore

Oh and I love me some shrooms and opium from time to time. I only take what was put on earth by God.
Haha hell yeah whatever nature grows, I smoke. Im not to big into shroom trips. I have tried them a couple times and I can tell you drinking alcohol on them is not a very wise thing to do haha. My first and last experience with that combo!


Well-Known Member
Hey that's better then taking acid and shrooms andthen going swimming. Ya that was a fun afternoon/night ;)


Well-Known Member
Cocaine and cannabis. OR. Vagina and cannabis. Yes, I consider vagina a drug, if you get the good stuff you dont want to quit.