Preparing for summer, What size containers and what soil?


Well-Known Member
Preparing to plant a few auto's in a few weeks as it is getting warm enough. What size containers and what type of soil do you guys suggest? I was thinking five gal grow bags and roots organic.


I'm getting ready for my outdoor grow also! :)

5 gal. containers are kind of standard for "regular" cannabis, but autoflowers need far less soil and something like 9 litre pots (~2gal) are more standard for them. I'm thinking about 3 gals for my autos and 5 gallons for photosensitive this year. I'm using smart pots this year, too.

I'm also going to use the FF soil and fertilizers just because it's what I'm used to. What strains are you growing? :)


Well-Known Member
Auto Bio-diesel and a Clone I've been working with for a few years now. Also thought about ordering some more autos for variety. I gonna grab the five gal containers even if I don't fill them all the way. Really been wanting to try out the roots organic soil and see what it's all about. A friend of mine has been saying he's seen huge improvement since switching from the FF.