Preparing for next season ..need some questions answered

I am in the southeast us and i am planning on doing an outdoor grow next year . Been doing alot of research and just have a few questions left. When should I plant here? How many plants would be smart to keep in a patch so the helicopters may not spot? Also how many plants on average { i know it depends on strain and other factors} should it take to get a pound of dried cured smoke? Any help will be appreciated im just getting as many opions as I can. I kinda know some of these answers but still want to hear from anyone willing to chime in. Also how long do plants go outdoors before harvest? i thought they would grow until the light cycle hit 12 /12 but someone said outdoors that doesnt matter...


Well-Known Member
Im in SEC country. You need to sprout your seeds in Jan or Feb. and keep them indoors until May. Dont worry about helicopters, there is almost zero risk of them finding your crop unless its several thousand. You could easily get 1 or 2 lbs off 1 plant. They generally start flowering middle of August and then its 8-10 weeks from there til finish.
sweet thanks man ..could i stagger my crops like start a few in may then 8 wekks or so start more just so i can get more bud and not have a shit load of adult plants... or would they still all finish the same time? i just want to stock up on good smoke


Well-Known Member
they will all finish at the same time. they will just be different sizes depending on when you start them. its up to you. do you want 1 monster or 20 smaller ones?


Undercover Mod
Outdoors they will all pretty much finish the same time because cannabis relies on photoperiod to bud. They respond to the length of the day shortening. That is why people who grow indoors switch to 12light /12 dark to flower. It only takes less than 13 hours to activate plants reproductive systems.
allright thanx a million guys thats what i was needding to know ... so i know now ill just have a few small plots of probably 7 or 8 plants ...ill be growing thc bomb and probably some purple widow for the looks its a pretty plant... whats the best smoke you would recommend for outdoor grow?


Well-Known Member
dont worry about the strain so much, just get some variety and try to learn as much as you can before then


Well-Known Member
Sensi Star seems to be everyones favorite.....

just do one here..... one there.... way over there ;).... make them huge, tend them well. 20 plants = 20 lbs = 20 miles
awesome mind would be blown if i harvested 20 lbs holy shit thats crazy.. ive heard 4 ounces a plant would be a good harvest pound a plant would be awesome.. i have 25 thc bomb seeds ..some will be males of course some will die but i will be happy with 8 to 10 females to make it