pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)


But I'm done arguin with you how bout you start and journal and prove that your information is good and grow some weed like every other person on this website.

Michael Sparks

Active Member
what happened to discussing this matter that will effect our mothers, sister, aunts, girlfriends ect.. i say, this world we live in, is getting more pathetic by the vote, we need to change this if we think it is unethical. what happened to "We The People" ?


Well-Known Member
would you guys just get a room already?

this thread is about the consequences of making abortion illegal.

to do so would mean criminalizing the act of ending a pregnancy.

which would mean that your wife, your mother, your sister, your aunt (any woman, really) could be criminally prosecuted for tripping and falling on an uneven sidewalk.

which would entail that we must limit the rights of pregnant women. no longer may they take the stairs. elevators only (escalators pose a tripping hazard).

also, ALL women must take compulsory pregnancy tests so we may know if they are subject to these limitations on their freedom.

because women are stupid and can't be trusted to care for a fetus by themselves, naturally. :roll:

we must insert the government fist deep into their vaginas.

am i right?


Well-Known Member
would you guys just get a room already?

this thread is about the consequences of making abortion illegal.

to do so would mean criminalizing the act of ending a pregnancy.

which would mean that your wife, your mother, your sister, your aunt (any woman, really) could be criminally prosecuted for tripping and falling on an uneven sidewalk.

which would entail that we must limit the rights of pregnant women. no longer may they take the stairs. elevators only (escalators pose a tripping hazard).

also, ALL women must take compulsory pregnancy tests so we may know if they are subject to these limitations on their freedom.

because women are stupid and can't be trusted to care for a fetus by themselves, naturally. :roll:

we must insert the government fist deep into their vaginas.

am i right?
I love how you liberals don't want the government in "women's vaginas" but you don't mind them being in your wallet, or just about every other aspect of our lives. I don't get it. Even though I abhor the thought of aborting a fetus for just about any reason short of rape/incest, I reluctantly agree it should be kept legal. This is a prime example of what happens when you give the government too much control over our bodies, or anything else for that matter. Remember that shit the next time you are arguing for government run healthcare. Republicrats are a joke! We're losing our freedoms at an alarming pace! Wake up already people! :cuss:


I love how you liberals don't want the government in "women's vaginas" but you don't mind them being in your wallet, or just about every other aspect of our lives. I don't get it. Even though I abhor the thought of aborting a fetus for just about any reason short of rape/incest, I agree it should be kept legal. This is a prime example of what happens when you give the government too much control over our bodies, or anything else for that matter. Remember that shit the next time you are arguing for government run healthcare. Republicrats are a joke! We're losing our freedoms at an alarming pace! Wake up already people! :cuss:

I quote; Even though I abhor the thought of aborting a fetus for just about any reason short of rape/incest, I agree it should be kept legal… Doc111

These are the confused, capricious ranting’s of a TRUE liberal asinine mind!!!

They epitomise an irresolute plain of thought, typical of a proletarian society, judgements being maid with a severe lack of foresight and deliberation.

Example;; Basically I am against something, I think, but then again only sometimes, but actually I am not against it… I think !!!

Lets face it “Doc “you’re just another insipid amoral liberal minded social Darwinist…

A problem with people that “over indulge” in cannabis smoking is they think they are open-minded and informed but in actual fact they are the opposite, bigoted…

Science tells us over indulgence leads to mental health problems, most of the statements maid on this thread corroborates with the evidence i.e. Uncle Buck.

p.s. you and your like minded infanticide loving sociopathic crony’s still haven’t answered the question, how many human cells dose a person need to develop before he/she is called a human being and no longer given the conscience easing “label” foetus, 3, 5,000, 8,000,000, fifty billion? Or just one and a bit of caring time?

See if you can “gestate” that thought in you mind and come up with an answer.

“Doc” I think you and your dullard buddy Uncle Buck should get back to masturbating and watching American idol !!!



Hey fabfun i'm great how have u been?

No the true victim was the girl , u need a conscience to think about your options and make one silly, u must be one of those people i see holding nasty signs of aborted fetuses imposing your narrow views and tramatizing my friends children. Your being a hypocrite, so if someone was rapped meaning forced to have a penis inside her and possibly infected with and std or impregnated ( so she had her choices taken away right??!!) she can't then decide she does not want it? U can't say give a fetus the choice to live but take away all options for the true victim. Seriously think about what your saying!!! does not make any sense, :wall:
you contradict yourself lmfao !!! :wall:

lol wow i wish i could rep myself on this one

Just the type of response I would expect from an immature, hysterical, overemotional member of the “fairer sex”.

One of the most disappointing things about the 21st century is the empowering of amoral woman who have the compassion of a SS storm trooper, they are of the opinion it is their “human right” to decide if a person should be given the time to develop and be born, or where’re he/she should suffer the same fate the victims of the storm troopers had no future, no “choice”.

The incredible propensity of man in the 21st century to commit infanticide, especially in the prosperous west with all its supporting agencies, is truly barbaric and medieval there is nothing feminine or liberating about it.

Not to mention the physical and mental problems most mothers incur after the surgical intervention.

Dear April
With reference to your reply and unjustified preconceptions, before you start insulting someone that shares a different opinion from your own , if you want to be taken seriously as a member of the “ fairer sex” try learning some social grace and skills, not too mention English, I feel sure most readers of this site know the definition of the word rape(although yours seems to differ from the actual definition) you are obviously a person who is restricted to using the vernacular and enjoy writing the word “penis”

This being the case it leads one to conclude an addiction or phallophobia both of which are treatable

You and your axis allies should try putting the pro abortion non-argument across with a more convincing rhetoric and articulation not to mention intellect, “choice” just doesn’t justify infanticide…



Fabfun dear boy

You’ll be glad to see I am back, I couldn’t leave you alone with all those nasty people talking about you.

How’s the bedwetting problem you where telling me about coming on?

Did you take my advice?

I am still convinced putting small rodents up your rectum before you go to bed, as you do, can’t be helping the problem…

Have you told your girl friend about your habit or dose she still think you have mice in the apartment?

Anyway its nice hearing from you, keep in touch and do try reducing it to only two gerbils…

I don’t understand you sometimes it’s a disgusting habit you have !!!

Auf wiederhoren Bis bald



Well-Known Member
Even if having abortions is made illegal, you will just see a huge increase in alleyway coat hanger abortion clinics popping up all over.. Making things illegal does not make the act undoable. Making pot illegal sure didn't stop 210 million Americans from trying it now did it?


Well-Known Member
Even if having abortions is made illegal, you will just see a huge increase in alleyway coat hanger abortion clinics popping up all over.. Making things illegal does not make the act undoable. Making pot illegal sure didn't stop 210 million Americans from trying it now did it?
And this is the main reason why I RELUCTANTLY support keeping this barbaric practice legal. I, personally, disagree with the practice. However, it has not been adequately determined by science as to precisely when life begins. Personally I believe it begins at conception, but there are a lot who disagree with that assertion. I don't believe in forcing my beliefs or opinions onto others. This is a very difficult and highly controversial subject. Being male, this is a decision I am fortunate I will never have to make. I don't envy any woman faced with such a decision.:cry:


Well-Known Member
I quote; Even though I abhor the thought of aborting a fetus for just about any reason short of rape/incest, I agree it should be kept legal… Doc111

These are the confused, capricious ranting’s of a TRUE liberal asinine mind!!!

They epitomise an irresolute plain of thought, typical of a proletarian society, judgements being maid with a severe lack of foresight and deliberation.

Example;; Basically I am against something, I think, but then again only sometimes, but actually I am not against it… I think !!!

Lets face it “Doc “you’re just another insipid amoral liberal minded social Darwinist…

A problem with people that “over indulge” in cannabis smoking is they think they are open-minded and informed but in actual fact they are the opposite, bigoted…

Science tells us over indulgence leads to mental health problems, most of the statements maid on this thread corroborates with the evidence i.e. Uncle Buck.

p.s. you and your like minded infanticide loving sociopathic crony’s still haven’t answered the question, how many human cells dose a person need to develop before he/she is called a human being and no longer given the conscience easing “label” foetus, 3, 5,000, 8,000,000, fifty billion? Or just one and a bit of caring time?

See if you can “gestate” that thought in you mind and come up with an answer.

“Doc” I think you and your dullard buddy Uncle Buck should get back to masturbating and watching American idol !!!

hey ikmy,

your man crush is showing.

also, please shut the fuck up.

thanks in advance.




Well-Known Member
I love how you liberals don't want the government in "women's vaginas" but you don't mind them being in your wallet, or just about every other aspect of our lives. I don't get it.
and what, with a libertarian taxes will cease to exist?

i don't get it either, dude.

and who said i don't mind any party in certain parts of my life (and others)?

i certainly do mind that one side of the spectrum wants to pass constitutional amendments barring equal rights for gay americans.

luckily they failed, but it was good enough to get shrub re-elected. with spectacular results, might i add.


Even if having abortions is made illegal, you will just see a huge increase in alleyway coat hanger abortion clinics popping up all over.. Making things illegal does not make the act undoable. Making pot illegal sure didn't stop 210 million Americans from trying it now did it?


Thanks for your input but I think the laws governing smoking some grass and aborting 1,3 million (on average) children in America alone every year calls for a different type of
comparison…think of the wasted talent we are washing down the drain, literally !!!

How many great minds have we lost and still losing to abortion , how many talented researchers, Dr, parents, heroes, leaders and just normal good people?

As far as back street abortions are concerned, I am sure the unscrupulous amongst us would certainly profit from such law changes but the billons of tax payers $ used to commit the atrocities could be freed-up and invested in the hindering of such activities and help support the mothers financially, psychologically and spiritually.

Think about it NoDrama how much dose the American government spends on the war against marijuana?

In a three year period you’re talking about tens of billions.

My concerns are for the society we live in, a society that believe the unborn are not worth protecting, as I wrote in another post, in the U.K. it is illegal to destroy a pregnant dog even if it has just mauled a child to death “why” because its pregnant..

Foresight and true intellect teaches us liberalism knows no limits, why because it hasn’t got an ethical core, it succumbs to human weaknesses and celebrates mediocrity, no perpetrators only victims and of course everyone gets a prize it’s pathetic !!!



Well-Known Member
“Doc” I think you and your dullard buddy Uncle Buck should get back to masturbating and watching American idol !!!
i masturbate exclusively to retarded midget amputee porn.

oh, excuse non-pc of me.

mentally handicapped little people amputee porn.

and only if it is interracial.

throw in a transgendered amazonian, and my sperm can pierce the sky.


Well-Known Member
i masturbate exclusively to retarded midget amputee porn.

oh, excuse non-pc of me.

mentally handicapped little people amputee porn.

and only if it is interracial.

throw in a transgendered amazonian, and my sperm can pierce the sky.

On an unrelated topic, Tom Tucker is the fucking man! ;-)
