

Active Member
What is PreFlowering, what does it look like and can it happen juring Veg mode?

PS - My lights are on 24/0


Well-Known Member
you will start to see signs of little white hairs or little pollen sacks.....a good video to watch if you want to learn all the basics of growing is "ready set grow" on youtube....


Active Member
you will start to see signs of little white hairs or little pollen sacks.....a good video to watch if you want to learn all the basics of growing is "ready set grow" on youtube....
my girl just keeps on growing new branches, does the video also show how to prune the plants to?

420 Growper

Well-Known Member
I read somewhere online that on the eighth node you can see preflower (indicate sex) with a magnifying glass. I dont know if this is true or not though.


Well-Known Member
you can preflower in veg if you wrap one intersection of leaf and stalk with paper and tape it so its lightproof. This will fool part of the plant into thinking its flowering and you can preflower them early- the reasoning for doing this is you can sex them earlier and take the males out so the females get more direct light and can spread out better.


Active Member
Like I sayed my plants are all girls I was just cerious if they start to flower even though they are in 24/0 lighting


Well-Known Member
Some strains can start flowering in veg mode, but it depends on the strain. Most don't start fully flowering until the switch to 12/12. The reason is that the dark signals the plant to start growing flowers. So you may see some pre-flower looking stuff, but once you switch to 12/12 you will see flowers. You do have to be patient though, it takes some time after 12/12 to really see any buds forming. Hope this helps!


Active Member
Also if your plant is over fertilized and has too much Nitrogen it will take the plant longer to flower, just continue to put it on 12/12 and it will began to flower but once you start to flower use a fert with Phosporus for the flowering stage