Preflower Help!

Brett Brown

Active Member
OK , Great then Thanks!!! and yes it is 2 tea spoons per gallon! but it says 2 tea spoons per gallon depending on plant phase! Thats what I shall do , just let me be sure of what your saying you mean just dump the whole gallon of water and the 2 table spoons of nutes mixed in the gallon and give her the whole gallon of water and nutes? YES? NO? and then every 8 to 10 days approx do it again untill harvest. They have a scale oif what you are supposed to feed the plant by the week but it is kind of hard to understand unless you know what they are talking about it says for the pro bloom soil formula that I have it says use full strength but then on the bottom of the scale under my formula it says for week 1,2 & 3 0-nutes I guess at least the bloom nutes then week 4 it says 20 and week 5 25 week 6 25 and week 7 25 then it goes back down to week 8 20 week nine 15 and week ten 5, then, preharvest 0 and all light hours are 12 hours. So what is the 20, 25, 15, & 5 stand for is this the amount per phase? and does that mean 20 ml per gallon for that week and 25 ml for that week and etc? so would 25 ml be 2.5 tea spoons and 15 1.5 teaspoons and 5 ml .5 or 1/2 tea spoons? please advise if you understand. The guy at the hydroponics store said just use it full strength the whole time. I guess he meant 2 tea spoons per gallon I wouldn't think that 1/2 a tea spoon would make that much of a difference. unless this stuff is really stronnnng!!!! Thank You both I saw your likes on there Korner420garden, Thanks again! I guess that means you AGREE correct? C-YA BB2112 or Brett!!!!! She is starting to look very happy in the ground!!! perky and looking healthy and getting a lot of new growth in places that it wasn't growing before lower on the plant and in the center!! thanks for the help you both take carer and happy growing!!!!!! BB.


Active Member
tbsp is tablespoons. I use 2 tablespoons per gallon. just mix recommended doseage into a gallon of water and feed. Depending on how much rain is available, you might need to water once or twice in between feeding 8-10 days. Keep this feeding schedule until about 2 weeks before harvest and just use straight water for a little flush.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Ok Thank You, So you are saying use 2 table spoons, it says on the back: foliar feed - 2 tsp/gal (10 ml / 4 l) formula depending on plant phase then right under that it says
Houseplants/Herb Gardens: 1 tbsp / gal (15 ml /4 l) pure blend pro grow 3-2-4. I am using the pure blend pro bloom (soil Formula) 1-4-5.
The part where it says (10 ml / 4 l) is not a four and a one it looks like it is four l, l as in lost. lol because it is not a one because in the upper part where it says the scale it says 15 and the one looks like 1 and this part say 4 to l , maybe a liter. do you get what I am trying to say. So with this information you think i should use 2 table spoons and just don't go by what it says on the back of the botnicare bottle? Let me know on that one Question!!!!
Also my clones are just starting to have roots on 3 out of 4 clones (the other one is a week behind 8 days because I took this one 8 days later) Anyway as soon as the roots are growing out of the bottom is that when I should put it in soil? because it says on the sheet on how to clone at the hydroponics store that after the roots grow out you need to try and stand the clones or clippings up I guess out of the dome where it is dry and if they fall over that means they arenm't ready yet and if they fall over limp to put them back in the dome and spray with a mist of water till covered and wait till they stand up again in the dome with all the moisture. I am just wondering how long it is before you put them in water because my friend prety much did most of the work after I got it in the rock wool and he had the easy cloner and it went easy and he just said it is ready for soil but I didn't see roots sprawling out from the bottom of the rock wool I think they had just started to see the roots beginning to come out from the bottom of the sponge and then he gave it to me and said plant it with the rock wool sponge still on the clone (don't take it off) in other words!!!! plant it in the soil with the rock wool sponge still attached or you are going to break all the roots that are coming out off when you try to take the rock wool off. So I Did it like that and it worked fine!!!! obviously because the plant that I put in the ground started as a clone. I cloned it because it was just a nice easy plant to grow and it was a good smoke. As many friends who tried it said it was great. So I just made 4 clones and need to know when i can tranfer them to soil and go get more fox farms soil for 4-5 gallon buckets!!!! And start all over again and do you think I should put them on a 24/0 shedule from the start 12 hours of natural light and then use the cfl's for vegging all night(and use the vegging nutes and the big grow nutes during vegging stage) untill I get it to the desired hieght and then put them into the ground. and then use the bloom nutes again? please let me know if you have time I really appreciate all you do. Have a great weekend and a nice 4th of july. take care, BB2112!!!! P.S. I am SORRY to keep leaving these novel's to read, I just get started and then one thing leads to another and the next thing i know I have all of this!!! LOL.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Geez today i went out at 9am to look at the plant and she went from yesterday from looking perky to like still perky but the leaves are a pale green yellowing still! is this normal for this stage or should she be green? the leaves that were green the other day are looking like they are burned and I can't give you a pic right now because I am downloading all my pictures onto a flash drive and it is taking forever because there are alot of picts and files to copy but as soon as I can i will post pictures. I would say almost the whole plant is a pale green. or about 2/3rds of it. well i hope she is Okay. Thank you, BB2112!!!!. please advise!! asap!!


Active Member
one or two tablespoons per gallon will do it nicely... dont worry about the chart on the back until you get familiar with converting the units to tablespoons and gallons. A gallon is about 4 liters

Brett Brown

Active Member
one or two tablespoons per gallon will do it nicely... dont worry about the chart on the back until you get familiar with converting the units to tablespoons and gallons. A gallon is about 4 liters
So do you have any information about the clones? and also did you see my email about the plant is loking kind of pale yellow is it just waiting for me to get the right dosage here or is it something else why is she turning a pale green or a light green instead of that deep green like forest green that it was on everywhere except tPlant yellowing and Braden 010.jpghe new growth where the new nodes came out it was a pale green now the whole plant is either light green or yellow almost here i got some pics.Plant yellowing and Braden 008.jpgSo what do you think? Am I giving her too much water or not enough nutes or too much nutes and not enough water or what. I am just lost and also some of the leaves look like they have been burned and are brown and crispy crunchy and if i touch them parts of some of the leaves would crumble off. You know what i saw on my plant though now that you mentioned it a few days ago was, I found cat hair all over the side of the plant mixed up in the leaves like the cat was rubbing the side of her face and ass on the plant because hair was everywhere and i noticed one new node was broken off and was dead and i had to pluck it off the plant it was dead. Anyway now i have to put a little fence or boarder around it with chicken wire or something. Because would the cat rubbing her face on the plant kill the leaves oh wait maybe she is chewing on them on the ends of the leaves and that where they are dead at the ends of the leaves. Dammit it is the neighbors cat and it is a fat cat and it will eat anything. Well let me know what you have to say about the plant and it yellowing? and could the cat if it were chewing on the leaves and making the end of the leaves dry up and die then could that be the reason why it is yellowing because it is trying to heal the rest of the leaves and that is taking away energy that should be going towards the plants growth and color and flowering? just a thought. Thank You, BB2112, Brett!


Active Member
I'd back off on feeding for a week or two. The browning at the tips of the leaves looks like nute burn. All that soil down in that hole is very rich, so keep watering without the bloom nutes.
The damage the cat has cause won't do much harm since you have a little fence now. The node you had to pinch off will grow back as a double header branch.
For the clones, pretty much as soon as you see roots theyre good to go into soil with the rockwool. If you're going to just bring them outside eventually, I'd go with something smaller then a 5 gallon bucket. Whenever people talk about clones, they always make it more complicated then it needs to be. Cloning is three easy steps: cut, root, plant.
I personally never use the 24/0 light schedule, 18/6 for vegging under CFLs has always worked wonderfully for me. Are you in an area of Cali were you dont have to worry about snow and frost?

Brett Brown

Active Member
The most common problem I have ever found with yellowing and burning leaves is over fertilization
Well I don't know if you would call this over fertilization but there is a male cat that is coming around the plant at night or maybe even the day but I have heard it outside and i go and scare it away it has little bells around her neck so I know it is the neighbors cat and in the morning when I went and looked at the plant it had a broken branch from it probably scratching it's face on the branch and then did it untill it broke and then I don't know how male cats pee, Do they raise a leg like a dog or squat because if a male cat lifts a leg then that would explain the burned like looking leaves because i think the cat maybe peeing on it and i never had this problem before when I used to bring it in the house because I knew that I wasn't over watering it or under watering it because it had the weep hole on the bucket and I would water her once or twice a week when she was in the bucket and she was always in great health always green and lively never did I have one yellow leaf
or any broken branches. I also saw the cat hair stuck on the leaves of the lower branch that is still on the plant. it had cat hair and the same color all over the bottom branch and certainly cat piss would burn the leaves wouldn't it? I knew that the cat broke the branch because it was broken right where the cats hair was found. Also i am giving itonly one kind of nuterient and that is the pro bloom nutes from Botinicare, the guy at the hydroponics store told me how to mix it and he even gave me a teaspoon and said use 2 of these level not heeping which you can't do anyway because it is a fluid and would run over if you filled it too high. So I think it is Just adjusting to the new area that she is growing or that dam cat is eating and pissing on the leaves . A cat person could help me with this one, on how a male cat pee's , wether they squat or lift a leg like a dog. that would explain all the leaves at a certain height having those burn stains on them and would also probably soak down into the soil and possibly make the plant bloom disfunctionally. I don't know maybe i am grabbing for straws but if anyone can help me i sure would appreciate it. Thank you, BB2112!!!! Oh yeah Also I am following the instructions how the guy told me how to use the nutes and how often to use it and he told me when to start them . (just a note so you have all the info to make an educated guess) Thanks!!!!! BB2112!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
I'd back off on feeding for a week or two. The browning at the tips of the leaves looks like nute burn. All that soil down in that hole is very rich, so keep watering without the bloom nutes.
The damage the cat has cause won't do much harm since you have a little fence now. The node you had to pinch off will grow back as a double header branch.
For the clones, pretty much as soon as you see roots theyre good to go into soil with the rockwool. If you're going to just bring them outside eventually, I'd go with something smaller then a 5 gallon bucket. Whenever people talk about clones, they always make it more complicated then it needs to be. Cloning is three easy steps: cut, root, plant.
I personally never use the 24/0 light schedule, 18/6 for vegging under CFLs has always worked wonderfully for me. Are you in an area of Cali were you dont have to worry about snow and frost?
That is one of the problems i haven't built that fence yet, I have been busy and I just haven';t had the time but I caught the cat rubbing it's face on the plant last night and then this morning I found the broken branch and the cat hair all over the bottom branch and the leaves on that branch. It is a male cat do they pee by lifting their leg like a dog or spray it out sideways? I am thinking maybe he is marking his territory because there are alot of cats that are around this house that come in my backyard because of the feild in the backyard it is perfect for the outdoor cat to come and find stuff to eat like mice and bugs like grasshoppers and all kinds of stuff but If it is marking it's territory then that may be the reason that the leaves are brown on certain spots but are all about the same height on the plant ? maybe? and wouldn't that cat urine go down in the soil and make the plant grow disfunctionally? or is that going to affect it? please help me I am getting paranoid as too why she is having a harder time outside than inside the conditions outside where fine with her before and then when i brought it in it was fine it has something to do with being outside or like you said I have been using those nutes eversince i put her in the ground, So could she still be trying to adjust to her new enviroment? THank you for writting, take care, BB2112!!!!

Brett Brown

Active Member
she was getting worse as of today, So I watered her with water only and I will have to see if that changes anything by tomorrow. I hope so, she was in such great shape, I hope this stops getting worse. BB2112!!!


New Member
just get a pitbull that will solve the cat problem once and for all then shove the cat in the neibiours mail box

Brett Brown

Active Member
just get a pitbull that will solve the cat problem once and for all then shove the cat in the neibiours mail box
HA! that would solve the cat problem, yeah a female pit bull. LOL good one thanks! I am trying, not giving the plant bloom nutes people are saying it looks like nute burns. I would probably agree because she was fine till I started giving her those nutes. I gave her veg nutes but a different brand Liquid Karma, maybe changing to a different company freaked her out because of the different chemical components or chemical make up? possibly? I don't know this is my 1st grow since High School. I put that one outside too but someone stole it right from my back yard pretty cocky! So what I am saying is, I don't really know about all these new ways of growing and all these nutes and lights that help them grow. it is so much different now. Anyway, thank you for the suggestion!!!! BB2112!!!


Active Member
just get a pitbull that will solve the cat problem once and for all then shove the cat in the neibiours mail box
:-( - I sure hope your kids don't get into my garden...

That is one of the problems i haven't built that fence yet, I have been busy and I just haven';t had the time but I caught the cat rubbing it's face on the plant last night and then this morning I found the broken branch and the cat hair all over the bottom branch and the leaves on that branch. It is a male cat do they pee by lifting their leg like a dog or spray it out sideways? I am thinking maybe he is marking his territory because there are alot of cats that are around this house that come in my backyard because of the feild in the backyard it is perfect for the outdoor cat to come and find stuff to eat like mice and bugs like grasshoppers and all kinds of stuff but If it is marking it's territory then that may be the reason that the leaves are brown on certain spots but are all about the same height on the plant ? maybe? and wouldn't that cat urine go down in the soil and make the plant grow disfunctionally? or is that going to affect it? please help me I am getting paranoid as too why she is having a harder time outside than inside the conditions outside where fine with her before and then when i brought it in it was fine it has something to do with being outside or like you said I have been using those nutes eversince i put her in the ground, So could she still be trying to adjust to her new enviroment? THank you for writting, take care, BB2112!!!!

I would strongly suggest just watering with straight water for the next two weeks. The cats really won't do much harm other then munching. They tend to squat when they pee and bury their business. No issue is going to be fixed overnight, be patient and don't freak out too easily. These plants are hardy and it takes a lot to kill them off.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Ok, I will just use water then for a while 2 weeks, you say! I think letting her get used to her new enviroment and then try at half the regular dosage of nutes, then if that goes ok, then try it at full dosage of nutes the next dosage time. Thanks for helping, once again!!! take care, BB2112!!!!! Since I put her outside all day and all night I have noticed a few new things that there must have been something eating at a few of the leaves they were the ones that were already damaged by the nute burns so I didn't worry about it but what bug or critter could leave little holes in the leaves like from the center out to the edges? is there a popular bug that goes for these plants in particular? If I do have some of those bugs or critters what can I use to get rid of them(without damge to the plant and the harvest) and where can I get it?(I imagine the hydroponics store would have everything) Oh and I planted 3 of my 4 clones and they have been in soil for a full day and a half and they are still standing straight up with no drouping or leaf wilting, They look as if they are doing well, but I hate saying that on here because as soon as I do then something bad happens. Lol!!!!! Thank You, BB2112!!!


Active Member
You should talk to your hydro guy about pests. He's gonna know what bothersome insects are common to your area and can point you in the right direction on how to fix it. Ask him about Neem oil for pest control. If you wanna get fancy, look into using beneficial bugs, like praying mantis or ladybugs.

Brett Brown

Active Member
Really? because I have so many lady bugs in my back yard they are all over those long weeds that grown in a big field and I have seen a few praying mantis too. So what do they do, eat other bugs? cause if I need lady bugs I got'em.Ashley's baby shower at Johnny's 068.jpg There is my next crop coming up. I got three this time so I am going to be a little bit busier if these all make it. they have been in the 5 gal buckets for 3 days now and they are still nice and strong and growing new nodes small ones but none the less growing!!!! It was so cool to see the roots coming out of the bottom it felt like such sucess, now I know these are females right because they will be the exact strain and sex as the mother plant or donor plant. correct? I lost one in the dome it just didn't take it died a few days ago and never started any rooting. I did them all the same but she just maybe was too small but I put another cutting in the dome today when I went out to look at my mother plant and I guess the cat was rubbing himself on the plant and broke off a big lower branch and there was about a 5 inch cutting branching off and I picked it up asap and made it into a hopeful clone at least but the mother plant is looking better with brand new, bright green leaves growing out of the new nodes and the whole plant just looks better. well have a nice weekend, take it easy, BB2112!!!!


Active Member
If you ever catch a ladybug outside, bring it into your garden inside. They will destroy aphids that may infiltrate your system and won't harm plants a bit. Plus it's always cute to catch them crawling about during your daily checks. :)

Brett Brown

Active Member
Wow, since I have planted her in the ground and used just water she has been growing quite quickly, still not flowering yet but clearly getting comfortable with her enviroment she is growing about an inch or so a day and there are places that she is growing that I guess she wasn't getting light before, and there are new branches growing out and she is fuller and more bushy than ever before. It is working out nicely and I don't think she will be flowering for some time. she is definetely stretching but not flowering, is it time for her to start this process? Also the clones are doing well growing fine in 5 gallon buckets and they will be planted into the ground as soon as they can survive the weather and the animals and I get that fence built. but thanks for all the advice I put some lady bugs on her and it seems to have done the trick as far as spiders crawling on her and the smaller critters that would chew on the leaves but I haven't even been looking at her everyday and she has gotten all better she is back to all green and everytime a leaf fell off it seems like a new branch would grow out of the place the other leaf fell out so she is getting tall and round. she's a beauty!!!!!!! Thanks talk to you soon, take it easy. BB2112. P.S> One more question I was thinking about when I harvest the plant that I have in the ground now she will be gone forever correct she won't grow back if I cut her off at the bottom right? So what I am thinking is I would hate to waste all that good soil so if I pull her out and dig out the best part of the roots and churn it up a bit can I plant another plant there after I am done with this one or is that soil all done with ? Wouldn't the roots one they died or were cut off the plant become good mulch? and then just dig the hole out again and plant another plant in that same place? please advise, Thanks, BB2112!!!!