Prefered seed company from Attitude

It's all good, I'd say go for it, I just made your mind up.

Maybe you have lol....One more question: What have you heard about Kushberry (DNA genetics). It's an OG Kush x Blueberry hybrid. I have heard great things about DNA lately (ie: they have pretty much cleaned up at the last three HTCC events). I hear Kushberry is up for best indica this year. Thanks a bunch....and I will definitely highly consider the Bubble Gum:leaf:
I can tell already you have your mind made up on Blueberry, so just go ahead and try one of the seedbanks I mentioned.
Me and Mine's have never had a problem with Dutch Passion Blueberry fem's not crackin. I have 5 Dutch Passion Fem'd BrainStorms on the paper towels right now...I'll let ya know what happens with 'em. I haven't checked them this morning yet but I just put 'em on yesterday afternoon.
Attitude seeds came thru for me by the way. Took 10 days and thats with me putting my order thru kinda late on a sat. night
nobody mentioned dna genetics, what is up with that? Most of their genetics originated in california which has the best bud in the world, grow their annunaki if you like the most exotic flovorful sativa.
Why did you wait till the third page to bring their name up ? Doesn't look like alot of people use them, it might be better to go with something everyone uses that way you get the freshest seeds.
My only advice after buying seeds for the first time off the net. Stay clear of NIRVANA. Bought from these guys. The sprouts look like shit all deformed looking with missing leaves etc. They where Jock Horror and Pure Power Plant. Really shits you when you have spent good money to organize a grow only to find out the seeds you sprout look like fucking crap. certainly be doing things differently next time round. Can't really afford to fork out another $200 this season on seeds to do outdoors.

I would recommend however the Joint Doctor for anyone interested in Auto Flowering strains. I sprouted some Lowryder#2 and 4 out of 6 from 10 I ordered all sprouted and look strong healthy and I couldn't be happier.