So Obama lied to us? Stating a falsehood over and over doesn't make it true.
my paystubs say "medicare tax" on them, not "medicare penalty".
usually, stuff that goes on my 1040s, like the mandate may if left standing, is what i consider to be a tax.
my paystubs say "medicare tax" on them, not "medicare penalty".
usually, stuff that goes on my 1040s, like the mandate may if left standing, is what i consider to be a tax.
Both of you g00ns already have government healthcare. Cry more. riot.
If you can pay this new tax you should, it will give you the right to wait until you get sick to get insurance, and they can't turn you down for preexisting conditions.
Police Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over?
citizen: No, officer, I sure don't
Police Officer: You were doing 57 in a 55 zone
citizen: Gosh, officer, I sure hope this doesn't result in a tax
Police Officer: Sorry to say, but it will result in a $150 tax
citizen: will it show up on my federal return
Police Officer: What am I, an accountant? Have a nice day.
Do you have insurance? yes
Why do you care about the individual mandate? because I'm a tardbot
Cause I don't like brocolli.
I do, once this thing passes, middle class people won't have to buy insurance when they are healthy.
I do, once this thing passes, middle class people won't have to buy insurance when they are healthy.
I do, once this thing passes, middle class people won't have to buy insurance when they are healthy.
Do you know what the definition of "insurance" is? From your incoherent ramblings it certainly doesn't appear so.
The individual mandate won't apply to people who can't afford insurance, middle class people will have the choice, buy insurance or pay a sum of money-call it what ever but it will be on your tax form. When it passes, a lot of people will opt to pay the 'sum of money on tax form 1040 called tax-penalty' instead of insurance. It will be preferable to do so, since it will be illegal for an insurance company to reject you for a preexisting condition.
You're an idiot. Just sayin.
Cry more about poor people thriving.
I gotta ask, what medical school accepted you as a student?
You could have simply said, "No, I don't know what the definition of insurance is"
You going to join the debate or just troll?
How can I debate someone about insurance that doesn't know what "insurance" is?