Well-Known Member
Seamaiden you shouldn't feel too special, he showers the same kind of attention on Vi, too.
So any other thoughts on any other banks.Well after a short while in the mortgage industry I was able to anticipate the collapse of:
Lehman Brothers (although I doubted this would happen because of their position in the federal reserve)
Washington Mutual
Now its tougher than ever since few banks with a decent amount of exposure are left. I think BofA is going to suffer, but not fail. Wells Fargo seems to have navigated this very well and offset many of their bad mortgages with all of Washington Mutuals A paper loans in 2006. Bad move WaMu.
HSBC may be the next to go. They did lots of subprime and 2nds. With depreciation and their second lien position, it is likely they will lose on every foreclosure that lent on. They also did a bunch of subprime and "Subprime seconds" in early 2006, but backed out of that practice quicker than most. I also heard about this bank having financial problems in early 2007.
can I move in with you guys, lolI think once the bailout plan goes into effect is when we're going to see it really take a turn. However, as Dave and I were talking about last night, want to really get a feel for the economy? Watch the price of eggs, milk, and bread. So far they've been pretty stable. But we're still probably gonna get some chickens. Neither Dave nor I want to milk a cow, but I've raised pigs before and they're about the easiest walking meat there is to grow. Lots easier to butcher, too.
mm hm.. I never was the conspiracy type.. now everyone thinks I'm looney.. lol.. and not just with the economy, but the food, the water, the EVERYTHING.. either these people are REALLY STUPID or it's planned.."if I didn't know any better I'd say THEY are waging economic terrorism on us.."
it sure seems that way huh....bernanke has PHd in economics and his expertise is in the great depression....the way I look at it, he is either an idiot, as are all the governors of the fed...or they are doing this deliberately?
yeah, it porbably will provide some temporary relief, but very temporary...basically just pushes the problem over into obamas term and makes the problem apocolyptic instead of just catastrophicI think if the bailout goes through things will settle down for a bit- to make everyone think 'it worked'...
That's their plan.. they will find resistance..I think once the dollar is completely worthless there next move will be ushering in the amero and the NA union...the scary thing is, at that point, the american people will probably be begging for it