Pre registration for the greatest party cup grow off of 2018

what happened to that ghost train?
It gets lanky and flowers forevvvvvvvver. Not sure its a good candidate for a cup grow. Especially since I've never flowered anything in a 16 oz cup lol. Only other seeds i have on hand are some autos I was gifted. Never grown an auto either and honestly never planned on ever using them.
What exactly is the criteria of winning the competition? Total dried weight? Biggest plant? Best smoke? Pest looking bud or plant? If people are judging it could be any of those. I am strongly debating entering and building a nice little custom light just for a solo cup grow.
What exactly is the criteria of winning the competition? Total dried weight? Biggest plant? Best smoke? Pest looking bud or plant? If people are judging it could be any of those. I am strongly debating entering and building a nice little custom light just for a solo cup grow.
It isn't set in stone yet. Most likely a combo of all those. Like a score card the other growers fill out.