Pre-Paid Visa's


Well-Known Member
I'm looking at placing a a couple seed orders for my next grow. I'm wanting to use Nirvana. I've researched them and they seem like a legit company + I really like their strains and the pricing is reasonable.

I'm heading out this evening to put $100 on a pre-paid Visa card for my order. Anyone know of any chains that sell Visa's? I also need to make sure I don't have a problem with making an overseas transaction with it. I have had problems in the past trying to get legit legal orders to go through due to companies being overseas. I'm really just asking if anyone uses pre-paid cards for their orders and which ones don't get auto-declined for overseas purchasing.



Well-Known Member
Don't you have to call the company and have them activate it for international use? I was thinking about getting the pre-paid Visa's too, but they all say for purchases within the US.


Last time I tried to use a pre-paid for ordering seeds I had major problems. I tried with both Visa and MasterCard as well as with various seed banks to no avail.


Well-Known Member
You guys who had pre-paid problems, did you go with cash, or money-orders? How do folks order their seeds from the US and still get them in a timely manner is what I'm wondering. I need to stock up on different strains and I've been auto-declined time and time again with my credit cards. Getting really frustrated.


If you have an actual credit/debit card then you shouldn't have a problem in the majority of cases, although you'll have to check your specific card policies. Even pre-paid cards like Netspend which are physically registered to you. I think international orders now require the identity of the cardholder to be substantiated is all, as in registered to your name, address, social security #, etc. Whereas with a pre-paid someone can 'register' a card to a fake name/address.

People use their real credit/debit cards for seed orders all the time and the great majority do not experience any issues (nor legal ramifications). Other options are money orders, or cash sent registered mail, or direct bank transfer... it depends on the seed bank.


Well-Known Member
Nullis, I don't mind using my registered credit cards, but it's been auto-declined now by Attitude and Nirvana banks. It's happened with other orders not associated with seeds as well, but only from overseas locations. I guess I need to call my provider and see if they can "unlock" them for overseas usage.

Can anyone give me some names of seed banks you've had good luck with. There are tons of them but I'll only try banks that folks have first hand experience with.


Well-Known Member
Nullis, I don't mind using my registered credit cards, but it's been auto-declined now by Attitude and Nirvana banks. It's happened with other orders not associated with seeds as well, but only from overseas locations. I guess I need to call my provider and see if they can "unlock" them for overseas usage.

Can anyone give me some names of seed banks you've had good luck with. There are tons of them but I'll only try banks that folks have first hand experience with.
I used my mastercard debit 2 weeks ago with Nirvana no prob got my order in 7 days. Tried to order first from Attitude and was turned down. Got a call next day from bank fraud dept asking about all my last few transactions and I asked why they turned down the attitude charge and they said cause it was in the UK, and did I want it to go through. I said no cause I made the Nirvana order. I saw later someone said if you call your bank first and tell them you are gonna make a UK order they will OK it.


I've used Worldwide, Attitude, and Herbies; there are a lot of reputable seed banks out there. Realize that full fledged seed banks such as those I just mentioned which sell lots of strains from the various seed companies are entirely separate entities from the actual breeders/seed producing company. The seed banks are supplied by wholesale distributors or the seed companies themselves, so the seeds should come in the original packaging (with the exception of seed banks that offer single seeds). Nirvana is a little different in that it offers only Nirvana and Sativa Seedbank seeds, essentially you're buying direct from them. You could also buy Nirvana/Sativa Seedbank seeds from Attitude or Herbies.

What I am getting at here is that if you know which strain you want to grow/from which seed company, you can usually go straight to their website (say its T.H. Seeds) and get a list of their authorized resellers.

I've never had a problem with it being declined or been called by the credit card company when using a real card.


Well-Known Member
I used my mastercard debit 2 weeks ago with Nirvana no prob got my order in 7 days. Tried to order first from Attitude and was turned down. Got a call next day from bank fraud dept asking about all my last few transactions and I asked why they turned down the attitude charge and they said cause it was in the UK, and did I want it to go through. I said no cause I made the Nirvana order. I saw later someone said if you call your bank first and tell them you are gonna make a UK order they will OK it.
a lot of banks require you to call them and tell them you will be using it for overseas purchases for your safety. Just call your bank and "pre-approve" it and it should be fine. Same goes with most pre-paid cards. I would just use your own personal card, cheaper since you don't have to pay the fee the gift card cc's charge to activate them.


Well-Known Member
Green-Dot Visa's (Walgreens) are unlocked for International use after you register it and they send you one with your name on it. FYI


Active Member
Ordered seeds from them with my credit card on the 28th of November, received after they resent in December. 1 seed short on one strain. blah blah. Now here is the interesting part. I used a fresh unused credit card to order them as I am less concerned about possessing said items than most in my country. That said, the follow hath ensued; Credit card was used four time to purchase items ranging from hardware stores, hydro shops and gas stations. Luckily i caught this withing 1 hour of the transactions being processed. Gotta love the i phone, At any rate I forwent canceling the account and and contacted the fraud dept of my bank. I pay $15 a month to have four agencies monitor my identity and accounts minute by minute, cost a bit but insures I don't lose a dime when some dumb ass fucks with the wrong account. Anyway, whoever is using the account is not going to leave the next place they use my info from, period. Also since I have a very relatively small account history, the distribution of my personal info will not be very difficult to trace. That said, you may wish to use an alternative bank for your needs, if they are the source, it will be reviled in very short order. PERIOD> Mother fuckers