Pre flowers...


Well-Known Member
If you have a pre flower...say it's a male....will it continue to develop in the next set of leaves? IOW....will there be another preflower?
My chit has preflowers....I cant tell yet if they are male/fem, but I've read that only a male will show a preflower once.....then the next nodes will continue as usual..mine is showing 3 node sets...but I see no "hair" yet the preflower is just a little it male? ?You can barely see in the pic....just behind the the crotch??? The next set of leaves has one too but just smaller...


Well-Known Member
hey Pencap....I can't tell from the pic....but hadn't heard of that.....but hopefully someone will pipe into help out...good luck!


Well-Known Member
If all you see is a little ball, and no hairs, then 95% chance it's a male. Give it a few days just to be certain. But if you don't see any hairs then kill it.


Well-Known Member
yea, Sublime....but Do male preflowers continue to the next nodes??? I cant remember...I havent grown serious in 15 years....and as soon as I saw one it was history....
But ditto...I'll give it a few days...
With it's massive growth though...I think it's a boy....I'll update that in a few!! Thanks
Tahoe...yea the pic dosent do justice..and I'm new with the camera! What fun!


Well-Known Member
Ok..I still cant tell...will a preflower continue DOWN the stalk?? Once you see your "preflower" will others continue to develop all over the plant/stalk/nodes???


Active Member
hey can someone tell me if this is a hermie, or just a male with hairy flowers. the only males I can identify have pistil filled buds forming with one or a few nut like forms, so Im pretty sure they are hermies

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