

Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm one day away from beginning my 12/12 flowering for my plants. At this point I have mostly red spectrum light shining on them..about 60% red 40% blue. If i look closely at the branch nodes I can already see preflowers! I wish I could take pics with my laptop with enough detail that you could see it too but I can already see calyxes/tiny little hairs on each plant! I'm honestly like 99% sure just from seeing this that each of my 4 one and a half month old plants are female! Is this too good to be true or can it actually happen? Anyone had similar experience with preflowers?



Well-Known Member
yeah dude those are prolly females, when i FIRST started to grow back in the day I remember it being hard to get seeds round here and i actually wanted a male after a couple half clone half seed grows and no males.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude those are prolly females, when i FIRST started to grow back in the day I remember it being hard to get seeds round here and i actually wanted a male after a couple half clone half seed grows and no males.
Yeahh im pretty psyched about this. 4 out of 4 females! Woooooohoooooo! Now I'm wondering whether I should kill 2 off and grow 2 big fat ones, or grow all 4..its debatable which would maximize my yield in my situation (limited closet space). Hmmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
Yeahh im pretty psyched about this. 4 out of 4 females! Woooooohoooooo! Now I'm wondering whether I should kill 2 off and grow 2 big fat ones, or grow all 4..its debatable which would maximize my yield in my situation (limited closet space). Hmmmmmmm
It's debatable but you'll probably be smoking sooner if you grow 4 smaller plants as opposed to 2 big ones - probably same amount of weed from both. And the sooner you're done the sooner you can start again.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I'm one day away from beginning my 12/12 flowering for my plants. At this point I have mostly red spectrum light shining on them..about 60% red 40% blue. If i look closely at the branch nodes I can already see preflowers! I wish I could take pics with my laptop with enough detail that you could see it too but I can already see calyxes/tiny little hairs on each plant! I'm honestly like 99% sure just from seeing this that each of my 4 one and a half month old plants are female! Is this too good to be true or can it actually happen? Anyone had similar experience with preflowers?

Also, rereading your post, it appears to me that the reason you're getting the pre-flowers is because you're using so much red light for vegging. Was that your intention? Usually you'd use mostly blue light to promote more green.


Well-Known Member
Killacrip - im growing soil

mismos - yeah i know ill be done sooner if i grow 4 instead of 2..but im going for yield and not time. im thinking about maybe growing 2 small ones on 1 level and 1 big one on the other level. and comparing afterwards..thats probably the only way to answer the yield question

and yeah i figured im seeing preflowers because of the amount of red light im using. what i did was gradually add more red light every week or so through vegging. at week 2-3 it was like 80% blue 20% red, at week 4-5 it was like 60% blue 40% red, and now its 60% red 40% blue. and as flowering starts/progresses i'll keep adding more and more red light. but yeah good observation man i figured it was because of the amount of red light that was hitting them too..



Well-Known Member
How are you able to change the level of blue/red so easily? Very intriguing method - may try it too.


Well-Known Member
How are you able to change the level of blue/red so easily? Very intriguing method - may try it too.
its because im using these 42 watt, 2600 lumen CFL's. i can get them @ different K. i buy either blue spectrum ones (6500K) or red spectrum ones (2300K), and i screw them into clamp lamps and hang the clamp lamps from above by clamping them to ropes

so i can just add more blue or red to my liking by buying more clamp lamps and more CFL's of whatever spectrum i want to go with em


Well-Known Member
If youre grown for yield and you dont care about time go for 2 fatties but to get more crip id do all, just throw 2 out door instead of killin em.


Well-Known Member
If youre grown for yield and you dont care about time go for 2 fatties but to get more crip id do all, just throw 2 out door instead of killin em.
haha man what do you even mean by "crip"?

and i cant just throw 2 mj plants downtown and first of all itd be impossible to transport it outside without it being sketchy 2nd of all there would be no place to plant where it wouldnt be found out fast

yeahh im thinking 2 fatties will yield me more than 3 or one friend is saying otherwise but he doesnt know what hes sayin lol


Well-Known Member
Do 1 fatty and 2 shorties! This is not a suggestion, I'm telling you!
haha man that is exactly what my friend has been saying. I'm leaning towards doing that pretty positve im not going to grow 4. its either 2 fatties or 1 fatty and 2 leaning towards 3 like u say!

whats ur reasoning for saying that tho? why dyou think thatd b best?


Well-Known Member
haha man that is exactly what my friend has been saying. I'm leaning towards doing that pretty positve im not going to grow 4. its either 2 fatties or 1 fatty and 2 leaning towards 3 like u say!

whats ur reasoning for saying that tho? why dyou think thatd b best?
need pics...


Well-Known Member
Well that way you'll be able to compare grow and harvest time, quality and quantity for the next time. It's fun to experiment.


Well-Known Member
Have you thought of creative ways to get all four plants in there? Like maybe utilizing shelves or something?

I was going to do the same thing at one point; kill off a plant cause I didn't have the room for it. Instead I put it in a cramped corner where it didn't get a lot of light (thought it might die, just gave it left over water from feedings) - and by the time the others were done, this little girl came a little ways, I just threw her under the lamp for 2 more weeks and she was done. It wasn't huge, but some extra herb I wouldn't otherwise have.

Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Have you thought of creative ways to get all four plants in there? Like maybe utilizing shelves or something?

I was going to do the same thing at one point; kill off a plant cause I didn't have the room for it. Instead I put it in a cramped corner where it didn't get a lot of light (thought it might die, just gave it left over water from feedings) - and by the time the others were done, this little girl came a little ways, I just threw her under the lamp for 2 more weeks and she was done. It wasn't huge, but some extra herb I wouldn't otherwise have.

Just a thought.

Yeah im utilizing shelves right now actually. A couple weeks ago my closet was just one big skinny 8 foot tall closet (floor dimensions 2 by 1.5 feet), and i only wouldve been able to grow 1 big plant, or 2 small ones. so i added another shelf and now i can grow 4 small ones or 2 big ones...orrrr 2 small and 1 big. which i think im gunna do. i'll take pics tonight so you can see the setup