Pre-flower?? What's it lookin' like??


So I believe I have my first sign of sex. Insight?

photo (11).jpg

Sorry for the rotated pic. Can't seem to upload without it doing that...
well yup thats is your sign for sure. kinda hard to tell right here for me, in a couple more days the read will be easier and more certain (my opinion). the fact that its round may not be good, what to look for is if a stem is connected to that new growth its growing a sack. if there is no stem and is generally wider and base and skinny pointy almost end would be female. don't throw it out i can't tell.


It doesn't have a stem to it. It's nestled in between the stem and new growth. Wider at the base. On other nodes I feel like I see really thin single hairs but I'm not sure. Maybe it's my eyes playing tricks on me haha. But it is hard to tell : /
most likely those little hairs are there pistols i think. thats prob a good sign, keep an eye on what you have a pic of. I'm waiting on pre flower sign my pants are working on fourth or 5 node i believe. ill be honest to a more trained eye at this point you might b able to b certain. but if that bump stays wider at the bottom and those single hairs turn white u got urself a female to take care of.


Well just an update. The plant is a lady!! She is showing her lady parts loud and proud haha. Woohoo!! Here's a pic. There are pistols growing on about 4 nodes now!


It was just a bag seed from some really dank stuff...i believe it was skywalker crossed with something else. Can't remember exactly lol but it was from the dispensary.
good news man. i got some jesus og going right now at 1 day and 1 month today. its looking male all over the place, what i though were little pistols now look like the top to a crab claw. was a beast already at one month fucking shame. so I'm just gonna threaten its life the next couple days and see if it changes mind