praying mantis not a foe but a friend to your crop!


a praying mantis is a great way to protect your ganja from other insects to even small birds for organic growing it is a carnivore so no worries about it snacking on your hard work they can purchased on the internet and garden stores or if you know where to find them free. check out this video of a mantis fucking up a mouse


Well-Known Member
That makes a bunch of sense I never thought about it.

I remember when I was real young my parents got a christmas tree that apparently had a nest in it. Well we kept our trees up until easter and decorated them again on v-day and easter.

Sometime between December and April they "hatched" and a week or so after that we started noticing them. There were thousands and thousands all over the house. We just picked them up and threw them out when they died and left the doors and windows open as much as possible. It took forever to get them all out, there were a handful that grew up indoors.

Wonder if it would be a good idea to snip a nest (or w/e they're called) and put it at the plot(s)? May be a godsend to someone with seemingly insurmountable bug problems.


Well-Known Member
ya same!!! do they eat bugs as quick and well as ladybugs though????? anyone know??? What do you keep them in when they are not on your plants?? How many do you release at a time???


Well-Known Member
ya same!!! do they eat bugs as quick and well as ladybugs though????? anyone know??? What do you keep them in when they are not on your plants?? How many do you release at a time???
they came to my plants bythemselves last grow this year they havent been able to land cuz of my green house but they dont leave if they have food. he or she will jump from plant to plant.. they want to stay free food and water haha i dont blame them


Well-Known Member
they came to my plants bythemselves last grow this year they havent been able to land cuz of my green house but they dont leave if they have food. he or she will jump from plant to plant.. they want to stay free food and water haha i dont blame them
i herd you can only have one cuz they fight. yup they eat every predator even small birds


Well-Known Member
hey how about house spiders?
when I find them I put them in my gro rrom cuz they catch those gnats and flys


Well-Known Member
you guys know where is a good place to get them i cant find them locally and wanted some live one at a decent price rather than hatch them


Well-Known Member
I have green spicky spiders dat protect my plant from bud worms and such i didnt have to even do anything they just found it and now live on it one time my friend waz stickin his nose in my plants face my plant doesnt like people who stick their nose in other peoples buisness so the spider bit him ahha it waz funny shit. Ya but i got a gieco that lives on on another plant of mine hes really good at camoflauging daz y i call him camo hahaha


Well-Known Member
heres my little buddy who took care of some fungus gnats :mrgreen:
thats so cool :)...can anyone tell me do i keep lady bugs in the fridge or the freezer?im thinking of grabbing a few this fall just in case :) i have some really good pics of ladybugs hard at work on a few outdoor plants.u gotta love the helper bugs :)


New Member
thats so cool :)...can anyone tell me do i keep lady bugs in the fridge or the freezer?im thinking of grabbing a few this fall just in case :) i have some really good pics of ladybugs hard at work on a few outdoor plants.u gotta love the helper bugs :)
the fridge