Pray for me.


Well-Known Member
hahah what a giggle , i cant get bud for shit , but can get crazy pills and pure rocks all day long but i dont care for that shit ! lifes a bitch huh


Well-Known Member
ahh man that suck about your homie trashing your roll, but atleast you got that connect for the future now!! next time dont roll with that fucker, of course you said he wont bring it up again...

i went through a very simular thing with one of my ex's a bunch of freinds chose her, only a few chose me, and all because she was a slut.... meth came after for me to, almost felt like i was reading my life story... just from the simularity


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the spankin new CoNNect! Been so long since me roLLed on some MDeez.. When the time is right, I suppose.
Enjoy Brother.


Active Member
I'm about to go on another adventure (prob next weekend). We got a sick ass light show/rave type party where thousands upon thousands will be there.

I need to verify some questions i have about my new connect. I remember pouring out a capsule to check it out and it was a powder like flour. It wasn't the crystal/salt looking. I always thought mephedrone was the salt looking and pure mdma was the flour looking. Is this true?

Also, i haven't met the guy who gets it in bulk only his friend which is my friend. Well my friend mention something about it turning into mdma when it hits your liver and its technically not in its current form. I blew it off as, this guy must have mis heard but now i'm questioning it.

Any thoughts to this? thanks.

Edit: what is the best test kit to buy? I'm just gonna drop on a kit and figure this out, plus its awesome to be able to tell the dealer off it he cut it with meth or anything else.